7 dire consequences of sleep deprivation


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People who do not get enough sleep often do not understand the danger they put their own body at risk. A constant lack of sleep leads to a decrease in activity, performance, makes a person irritable and inattentive. What else does savings on sleep threaten? Over the past decade, scientists have conducted several major studies and uncovered frightening facts about sleep deprivation. TV channel "360" will tell you about everything in order.

Lack of sleep "pours out" on your skin
An experiment in the UK confirmed that women who slept less than six hours for five consecutive days had an increase in facial wrinkles by 45%, breakouts by 13%, and skin redness by 8%. Plus the hormone melatonin is the first violin in preserving the youth of the body in general and the skin in particular. The peak production of this hormone is 2 am. Consequently, a reduction in nighttime sleep prevents the body from renewing itself and leads to premature aging of the skin.

Lack of sleep increases appetite
For 16 years, American scientists have observed 70 thousand women of different ages and came to the conclusion that those who slept five hours a day are 32% more inclined to gain excess weight. On average, they ate 559 extra calories per day! This is because lack of sleep causes disturbances in the production of two of the most important hormones of appetite - leptin and ghrelin, the imbalance of which leads to overeating and obesity.

Decreased female libido
Lack or lack of sleep in young women leads to decreased levels of sex drive. In turn, according to a 2015 study from Kent State University, each additional hour of sleep increases the likelihood of having sex the next day by 14%. Consequently, sleep has a positive effect on the level of sexual arousal in women. That is, for a woman to feel the desire to make love, she needs to get enough sleep!

Chronic sleep deprivation is tantamount to alcohol intoxication
According to an Australian study, after being awake for 17-19 hours, you may experience impairments in performance and memory, similar to a 0.05% BAC. After 24 hours without sleep, the concentration reaches 0.10 ppm.

Lack of sleep can lead to micro-damage to the brain
Even after one night of sleep deprivation, the brain loses some of its tissue. This can be detected by measuring the level of two molecules in the blood, an increase in which usually signals that the brain has been damaged. Also, lack of sleep affects the essence of mental processes, according to experts from the University of Washington (Washington State University). Without sleep, the brain continues to process information, but distorts it.

Sleep Deficiency Leads to Chronic Drowsiness
And, as a result, to involuntary falling asleep while driving. This is the conclusion reached by the American Traffic Safety Administration. According to their report, sleepiness is one of the most common causes of car accidents. As shown by medical research, a chronically sleep deprived person involuntarily plunges into short-term sleep. It lasts for several seconds, and at this time a person completely loses the ability to react to what is happening around.

If you sleep six hours or less, your risk of road accidents triples.

Lack of sleep can kill you
Those who sleep five hours or less a day have a 15% higher risk of all-cause death than people who rest eight to nine hours. This conclusion was reached by a team of American scientists after completing a large study of the effect of sleep duration on mortality. The results were published in February 2002 in the Archives of General Psychiatry. A lack of sleep at night can trigger the onset of cancer, particularly of the colon, according to experts at Keyes Medical Center.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that excessive sleep will not benefit the body - you cannot get enough sleep for the future. Oversleeping can even lead to negative consequences. For example, provoke diabetes, obesity or depression. Therefore, the main thing here is to find a middle ground, get into the rhythm and stick to it.


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Sleep deprivation​


I am sure that after reading my last post, there were a couple of madmen who nevertheless decided to test the practice of polyphasic sleep on themselves. If there are any, then be sure to unsubscribe in the comments, and today we will talk about sleep again. Or rather, his violent absence. Imagine, there are such freaks who not only sleep a couple of hours a day, but completely refuse him for a couple of days. Allegedly, it cures depression, improves mood, productivity, and even then a better boner. Is this so, let's go figure it out!


Sleep deprivation​

so what is sleep deprivation? It's simple. This is a banal voluntary refusal to sleep for a certain period of time. Another fashionable way to pervert your already deplorable way of life. The thing, by the way, is quite dangerous. After all, in the absence of sleep, you yourself know what happens. The body does not recover normally, and the nerve cells gradually dry out. But some people like it. Fucking deprivators.


What for?​

The main and even more or less adequate application of sleep deprivation is the fight against depression. This method was introduced into psychiatric practice by Walter Schulte in 1966. In his studies, it was shown that sleep deprivation improves the condition of patients with psychogenic and organic depression. Well, if it improves, then ok. It will definitely not get worse, especially people with depression and anxiety, so they often suffer from insomnia. But why, then, sleep deprivation in the world is practiced mainly by young people from 17-26. A lot of stupidity. The guys imagined themselves to be super heroes and at best they just want to test themselves and work longer. At worst, it's a natural desire to induce hallucinations. And this is not news for a long time. Of course,


How does a person under deprivation see the world?​

Well, of course, about hallucinations in detail. As usual these mothers deprivators do on the forums. Here's a quick guide:

So, the essence of the practice of sleep deprivation is quite simple and is as follows - you just skip one night of sleep and go to bed as usual, but only after a day. For example, say you wake up on Monday at 8 am and decide to do sleep deprivation. In this case, the next night, you do not go to bed as usual, but continue to be awake all night and the next day. You only fall asleep the next evening, thus skipping one night, and then sleep for about 10-12 hours. It turns out that the period of wakefulness with such sleep deprivation will be approximately 36-38 hours. At the initial stage, sleep deprivation is recommended to be applied about twice a week. In the future, when the condition improves, the practice of deprivation should be reduced to once a week.
But this is still the norm. This is a guide for the depressed, or just hard workers. Those who want to get high will have to stay awake as long as they can hold out. Unfortunately, there is no clear timing for the manifestation of a sleepy trip. So, let's say you decide to be deprived. It would be better to just graft, but not the essence. What will happen to your body. There is a full bouquet. Starting with an irresistible desire to sleep, weakness, loss of vision, ending with nausea and other physiological malfunctions of the body. And this is only a day later without sleep. Then the fun begins. Lack of sleep destroys the nervous system, which is why our roof literally starts to go. And no buddy. These are not the hallucinations you are counting on. These are not mushrooms, nor are they LSD. This is much more terrifying. Yes, at first everything will look like a slight intoxication and perhaps you will feel a little ringing in your ears. But the longer you stay awake, the more irreversible the consequences will be. You will fall into a state of delirium, and your mental state will be at the level of a schizophrenic. Without sleep, you literally go crazy. From that and hallucinations, only you cannot get high from them, because the nervous system cannot be lowered through urine into the toilet. I have had the experience of observing a person after deprivation. The behavior of the schizophrenic, the appearance is as unhealthy as possible. All his speech is a looped delirium, in which there is not a hint of adequacy. Such people are usually taken to a psychiatric hospital and injected with antipsychotics. after all, the nervous system cannot be flushed down the toilet through urine. I have had the experience of observing a person after deprivation. The behavior of the schizophrenic, the appearance is as unhealthy as possible. All his speech is a looped delirium, in which there is not a hint of adequacy. Such people are usually taken to a psychiatric hospital and injected with antipsychotics. after all, the nervous system cannot be flushed down the toilet through urine. I have had the experience of observing a person after deprivation. The behavior of the schizophrenic, the appearance is as unhealthy as possible. All his speech is a looped delirium, in which there is not a hint of adequacy. Such people are usually taken to a psychiatric hospital and injected with antipsychotics. The behavior of the schizophrenic, the appearance is as unhealthy as possible. All his speech is a looped delirium, in which there is not a hint of adequacy. Such people are usually taken to a psychiatric hospital and injected with antipsychotics. after all, the nervous system cannot be flushed down the toilet through urine. I have had the experience of observing a person after deprivation. The behavior of the schizophrenic, the appearance is as unhealthy as possible. All his speech is a looped delirium, in which there is not a hint of adequacy. Such people are usually taken to a psychiatric hospital and injected with antipsychotics. The behavior of the schizophrenic, the appearance is as unhealthy as possible. All his speech is a looped delirium, in which there is not a hint of adequacy. Such people are usually taken to a psychiatric hospital and injected with antipsychotics. after all, the nervous system cannot be flushed down the toilet through urine. I have had the experience of observing a person after deprivation.



Deprivation is not exactly a practice worth doing. Unless, of course, you want to go to a psychiatric hospital. No kidding. Without sleep, they go crazy.