5G in the restaurant kitchen: Chef controls robot chef from a distance


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5G network turns Charley Noble restaurant into the culinary laboratory of the future.

In the Charley Noble restaurant in Wellington, New Zealand, a real technological miracle happened: the famous chef Simon Gault, being 600 km away from the institution in Auckland, prepared lunch using a robotic arm Robo Chop from RML Machinery and ABB Robotics, controlled via a 5G network.

This opportunity became real thanks to the introduction of ultra-fast 5G communication from Samsung and Spark, which demonstrated the potential of the technology in practice. The chef used a tablet and a pair of smartphones integrated into the kitchen's work area to instruct the robot to prepare a crayfish appetizer with salad and Kaffir lime and coriander dressing.


Robo Chop is not equipped with cameras and relies on pre-programmed coordinates to accurately manipulate ingredients. To control the process, the restaurant's chefs prepared the ingredients and made sure that everything went according to plan, adding those finishing touches that require human attention.

However, some delay in transmitting instructions and slow operation of the hand reminded that technology is also not perfect and still needs human interaction. Gault, who has a track record of working with culinary innovations, including artificial intelligence for creating recipes, is excited about the new features: "It's just unbelievable. The robot performs its work flawlessly every time, unlike cooks who may be late or need coffee before starting work."

The chef is not afraid that robots will take the place of humans in the kitchen, rather, he sees this as a chance to focus on the more subtle aspects of cooking: "Maybe my job will become easier and allow me to spend more time creating the perfect sauce."

In turn, representatives of Spark and Samsung claim that as the 5G network develops, the network's application capabilities will only increase. The Spark representative is confident that as a full-fledged 5G network is deployed in New Zealand, such innovations will become the norm. And Samsung emphasized that 5G technologies can unlock innovative potential in cooking and beyond.