5 tricks of street scammers: know to recognize


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They scam us out of our smartphones and other things, without resorting to violence, in broad daylight. The trouble is that we don't recognize when we're meeting a scammer: they just don't look like one! After reading this article, you will know what to look for.

The content of the article:
  1. Like
  2. Arouse pity
  3. Overload your brain
  4. Force a quick decision
  5. Give false guarantees
  6. Defense tactics

Here is just one example of what a performance can look like, which I could observe in person. You are standing on the street with a smartphone in your hands when an alarmed man runs up to you and asks you to lend him a gadget - his own smartphone was taken by an acquaintance and left. I need to call my friend to come back.

There may be other scenarios. Each of them simulates a situation where a stranger needs help. The problem is that sometimes people really need help - but it could also be that you are facing an extortionist trying to steal something valuable from you.
To play it safe, many people decide not to trust strangers at all.
Others, and probably you included, will not like this self-isolation - we do not want to turn into a crowd indifferent to other people's misfortune. Then we need to learn to recognize the tricks of street scammers. They will be discussed further.

I do not guarantee that the list is complete - I can only assure that it is sufficient to recognize a fraudster in 90-95% of cases.


Many studies show that we intuitively trust people in our social group, regardless of their personal qualities, and are suspicious of people from another culture or social class.

Fraudsters know this. Perhaps the extortionist will look like you - neat clothes, a youthful haircut, a backpack on his back. He will be polite and smiling. All this is done to get through the first barrier of your “friend or foe” system and remove suspicion.

Arouse pity​

While telephone scammers often seek to arouse fear in us, street extortionists take advantage of the responsiveness and ability to feel compassion that is characteristic of most of us (don’t laugh, it’s true).
It is likely that the scammer will have trembling lips and a trembling voice, he will make a house with his eyebrows and show with his whole appearance that he is in trouble, scared or upset. Although this is not necessarily the case.

Overload your brain​

If a person is given several conflicting tasks at the same time, he enters a trance state in which external commands, including such as “give me the phone for a second,” are carried out automatically.
To do this, the scammer quickly redirects your attention from one object to another, without allowing you to come to your senses. “Hello, my name is...”, immediately: “Look, there he goes...”, “what’s that on your T-shirt...” and so on. You turn your head in a daze, trying to keep up with his movements.

Calm Clinic.
If a person is given several conflicting tasks at the same time, he enters a trance state.
The second method is a fast pace of speech, alternating unverifiable and verifiable statements in it. Trying to separate one from the other, the mind enters a trance state, similar to a computer freezing.

Force a quick decision​

He will hurry: “Well, hurry up, he’ll leave now,” and similar phrases.
The need to make a quick decision affects a person in two ways. Firstly, you don’t have time to weigh the situation, understand the risks, and assess the need to act urgently. Secondly, under time pressure the brain experiences a surge of cortisol, and cortisol always reduces mental acuity.

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Give false guarantees​

“I’m Lekha, over there is my window, ask anyone” - a vague wave towards the nearest house. Immediately a wave in the other direction: “Here he comes, I see him”... “I only need ten seconds, everyone can see us.”
All this proves that he can be trusted. But if you think carefully, then all these guarantees are fake. The problem is that the interlocutor does not have time to evaluate them, and besides, he is already in a trance. And the poor guy, dumbfounded, hands the extortionist a smartphone.

Defense tactics​

What the attacker does next is no longer important - the main thing is that he has the gadget in his hands. He will try to stall for time and leave, shouting something into the phone. The target’s task is not to allow himself to be put into a trance and not to give up the phone.

Luckily for us, scammers are pretty bad actors. As a rule, they know how to play out a single scenario, or two at most. Therefore, your task is to recognize the beginning of the “performance” and get out of the role, in other words, behave unexpectedly.

The simplest thing is to politely refuse without entering into conflict.
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But if you think the person might really need help, find a way to help without putting your item in their hands. For example, you can call where you need it yourself, let him just dictate the number to you.

By reading what is written above, you have already increased the chances that you will recognize the performance next time. Additionally, you can “pump up” your skills by training a few simple skills.
  • Separate personal sympathy and attractiveness of the offer. This can be done every time you talk with a salesperson in a store, with a colleague at work, and even with members of your household - we are constantly offered something, each such situation provides an opportunity for training. After a few days the skill will become automatic.
  • An alarmed and upset person must first be brought to his senses, and then act. The only exception is situations of physical threat to health. Again, the habit of not acting immediately can be trained, although simply knowing this rule already increases the chances of avoiding a threat.
  • Learn to recognize when your brain is overloaded and unable to adequately assess the situation.

The article was prepared using materials from two books: Robert Cialdini, “Psychology of influence” and Alexander Kotlyachkov, Sergey Gorin, “Weapon is the word. Defense and attack with..." If you want to learn more about the techniques of various types of crooks who extract various things from us, from wallets and gadgets to the desired result in elections, I recommend reading them.

(c) https://www.techinsider.ru/editorial/1644789-5-priemov-ulichnyh-moshennikov-znat-chtoby-raspoznat/