$5.2 million: the price of a mistake for a young hacker from the United States


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The teenager is obliged to return the cryptocurrency stolen from investors and his BMW i8 from above.

A federal judge has ordered a young hacker who allegedly stole cryptocurrency from Northern California crypto investors to pay the US government nearly $ 5.2 million in bitcoin and return a sports car. This was reported by local media.

Teenager Ahmad Wagaafe Hared from Tucson, Arizona, in 2016, when he was 18 years old, began collaborating with two accomplices to steal cryptocurrency. The criminals first obtained the personal contact information of cryptocurrency project managers and cryptocurrency investors. They then allegedly contacted mobile phone service providers and convinced the company's representatives that they were the legitimate owners of the victims ' phone numbers. This process is known as SIM Swapping.

After gaining control of the victims phone numbers, Hared and his co-conspirators were able to hack into their emails and other accounts. In the end, the attackers used their access to the accounts to get into the cryptocurrency deposits of their victims.

A federal judge in San Francisco issued a preliminary order to confiscate 119.8 bitcoins (BTC) worth $ 5.2 million, as well as 93,420 Stellar Coins (XLM) and a 2017 BMW i8 from Hared. Hared pleaded guilty in 2019, but many documents in the case remain unsealed.