30 Years of Scientific Experimentation: The Story of Susannah Breslin's Digital Child


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How can decades of surveillance and lack of privacy affect a person?

Suzanne Breslin, who has been the subject of a psychological experiment for more than 30 years, shares stories that can cause goosebumps. In her book Data Baby: My Life in a Psychological Experiment, she talks about her journey from battling breast cancer to becoming a journalist in the adult industry.

The main focus of the book is on an extensive experiment in which she participated for decades. As a child, her parents enrolled her in a laboratory kindergarten at the University of California, Berkeley, where she was one of hundreds of children participating in a study aimed at predicting their future.

Breslin admits that it was scientific observations that taught her how to be a journalist. She always wondered if the researchers knew her better than she did.

In the book, Breslin discusses the constant surveillance and lack of privacy that is relevant in today's digital world. In her opinion, we are all a kind of "data babies", which can literally be translated as" data children "or"digital babies". While Breslin's experiment was for the sake of scientific enlightenment, she wonders why billions of people sacrifice their privacy every day for no global benefit to humanity.

Breslin also touches on another important aspect of surveillance — the use of data obtained by large corporations for social engineering and convincing people to buy things they don't need.

Breslin's story demonstrates that constant surveillance and lack of control over your data can have devastating consequences for a person's psychological health and well-being.

Although modern technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for research and development of society, the ethical and responsible use of personal data must be a priority to avoid manipulation and exploitation.

The book "Data Baby" is a provocative commentary on the reality of constant surveillance and the influence on our lives of those who have an exhaustive amount of information due to incessant total surveillance.