29 ways to fail


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Salute, carders, today we have an interesting article about how to be defeated.

1) Unfavorable heredity.
Very little can be done for those who have inherited "weak brains"from their parents. The only thing that can help them overcome this weakness is to rely on the "collective mind". However, this is the only failure that is difficult to overcome. With all the others, anyone can easily cope .

2) Lack of a specific life goal.
A person who does not have a main goal should not even hope for success. 98% of losers, according to my analysis, did not have a specific life goal. Perhaps this was the main reason for their defeat.

3) Lack of ambition.
There is no hope of success for those who do not want to succeed in life and achieve success, who do not consider it necessary to make any effort to achieve the goal.

4) Insufficient level of education.
This flaw can be easily corrected. Experience shows that highly educated people are those who were engaged in self-education. It is not enough to finish college or college to consider yourself educated. A truly educated person is someone who has learned to get what he wants. People benefit most not because they know something, but because they put it into practice.

5) Lack of self-discipline.
Discipline is impossible without self-control. Before you can learn to control a situation, you must learn to control yourself. If you don't conquer yourself, you will find yourself under the thumb of your negative qualities and emotions. When you look in the mirror, you see in it both your best friend and your most ruthless enemy.

6) Poor health.
No one can succeed if they are not in excellent health.

Here are the main causes of poor health:
a) Overeating
b) The habit of thinking about the bad
c) Abuse of sex
d) Lack of exercise
e) Lack of fresh air

7) Adverse environmental effects, especially in childhood.
Most of those who have connected their lives with the criminal world, joined it at an early age, and met their fellow criminals in childhood.

8) Postponement "for tomorrow".
The most common reason for failure. Most of us constantly fail because we are waiting for the right moment. Don't wait, start acting immediately.

9) Lack of perseverance.
Most people start with enthusiasm, but only a few reach the finish line, which, in fact, achieve their goals. People tend to drop everything at the first setback. Failure and defeat cannot resist perseverance.

10) Negative qualities.
Those whose negative qualities repel people cannot hope to succeed. A person with negative qualities cannot expect to cooperate with other people.

11) Lack of control over sexual desire.
Sexual energy is the most powerful symbol that motivates people to take action. And that is why you should keep this energy under control.

12) Passion for gambling.
An uncontrollable passion for adventure and excitement has led millions of people to defeat and ruin all their hopes. The case on Wall Street in 1929 proves the truth of the statement that gambling does not lead to good.

13) Uncertainty of decisions.
People who are successful in life make serious decisions, but if the need forces them to change their decision, they do it slowly, weighing the pros and cons well.

14) Wrong choice of life partner.
Relationships in marriage are the most intimate, and if they are not harmonious, failure is inevitable. Moreover, a failed marriage is a certain type of failure in life.

15) Excessive caution.
The person who procrastinates because of the constant fear of making a mistake is forced to be content with what remains after others have made their choice. Excessive caution is just as fatal as a lack of it.

16) Wrong choice of employees.
In the business of selling personal services, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of employees and deputies.

17) Superstitions and prejudices.
Superstition is a type of fear. It is also a manifestation of ignorance. Successful people are not afraid of anything and think sensibly.

18) Incorrect choice of specialty.
A person who does not like the job will never succeed in the simple task that he hates.

19) Lack of concentration of efforts on a specific field of activity.
A person who grabs a lot of things at once, in fact, does nothing well. Focus on a specific goal.

20) The habit of spending money.
Develop the habit of systematically saving any amount of money from your income.

21) Lack of enthusiasm.
If a person is not enthusiastic, he will not be able to convince anyone that he can achieve anything. Moreover, enthusiasm is transmitted to others, so such people are always welcome in any team.

22) Ignoring knowledge.
A person who cannot see beyond his nose, who does not want to hear anyone but himself, rarely moves forward. The most terrible limitation is related to religious, racial or political motives.

23) Abuse.
Abusing food, alcohol, and sexual activity harms your health and, naturally, your success.

24) Inability to cooperate with others.
Many people miss out on their opportunities precisely because they don't know how to collaborate with others. All successful businessmen do not allow even the thought of such a disadvantage.

25) Power not acquired by one's own efforts. (This applies to those whose parents are wealthy people.
Wealth that came quickly and easily is more dangerous than poverty.

26) Deliberate dishonesty.
Sooner or later, the lie will make itself felt, as a result of which a good reputation and, possibly, freedom will be lost.

27) Selfishness and vanity.
These qualities, like a red traffic light, scare people away and play a negative role in achieving success.

28) Speculation, not thoughts.
Most people are too lazy to think about the facts when they need to. They prefer to rely on their own guesses.

29) Lack of initial capital.
This problem is faced by many who start their career from scratch, not having a penny in their pocket.