250 million years before the apocalypse: Where will the unification of all continents lead us?


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Pangea Ultima may be the last home for humanity.

Scientists from the University of Bristol have predicted that the formation of a new "supercontinent" could lead to the extinction of humanity and all existing mammals in 250 million years.

Using the first-ever supercomputer models of the climate of the distant future, it was revealed that after combining the continents into one giant Pangea Ultima, the climate will become excessively hot and dry, which will make it almost uninhabitable for mammals, including humans. These conditions will be critically dangerous, as organisms are not adapted to long periods of high temperatures.

In addition, scientists predicted increased volcanic activity, which will increase the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the brightness of the sun will increase, radiating more energy. "The resulting supercontinent will create a triple threat: due to the continental effect, a brighter sun, and more CO2 in the atmosphere," said Alexander Farnsworth, senior researcher and lead author of the study.

Given this scenario, the available food and water sources for mammals will become extremely limited. Despite the incredibly remote forecast, scientists emphasize that only 8% to 16% of the territory of the new continent will be suitable for mammalian life.

These far-reaching forecasts should not overshadow the current climate crisis. As indicated in the study, humanity is already facing the consequences of climate change, leading to millions of victims every year. "We need to act now to bring emissions to zero as soon as possible," said study co - author Eunice Lo.

It's important to remember that the last mass extinction occurred 66 million years ago, when an asteroid hit Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs and most of the life on the planet.