25 easy ways to get smarter carder


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Scientists from the University of Virginia have found that by the age of 27, brain interruptions begin, and by 37, memory significantly deteriorates. We did not read further, fearing to lose precious time. This article contains everything you need for the emergency rescue of your brain, its maintenance and development. From now on, the stupid question "Doesn't your hat shake your hat?" you will answer not only with a kick in the kneecap, but also with a justified “Now - presses”.

1. Read more.
The more complex and unusual the books are, the better. Complex constructions, long, detailed sentences, rare words, abstruse articles from our magazine and especially poetry - a real "Rastishka" for your brain.

2. Drum on the table.
Better yet, make it a rule to accompany the music you hear: on your knee, tabletop or freshly bought tom-tam - it doesn't matter. With palms or chopsticks. San Diego-based neuroscientist Anirud Patel believes that sense of rhythm plays an important role in learning. After all, the basal ganglia are responsible for it - the lobes of the brain involved in motor functions.

3. Listen to classical music.
Especially Mozart. In 1995, psychologist Frances Rauscher tricked thirty rats into a room. For two months the Sonata for two pianos in C major sounded there periodically. After the experiment, it turned out that the animals began not only to dance better, but also to run the maze faster and with fewer mistakes than the other group of rats that lived these two months in silence.

4. Train your memory.
London taxi drivers, for example, have an enlarged hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. Why are you worse?

■ After making a list of products to buy, re-read it several times and try to remember not their names, but your future path through different departments in the store. After collecting everything in a cart and standing in line, try to calculate the total in your mind. If it turns out to be true later, you can buy yourself a spinach bush as a reward: it is good for memory.

■ Set aside half an hour daily to memorize poetry. The last time you did this was in kindergarten, but all the words flew out of your head at the moment when the official part of the holiday ended and the coffin was lowered into the ground. The content of the poems does not play any role.

5. Have a coffee.
Caffeine stimulates the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine - they help you stay toned and stay focused longer. It is important not to overdo it: a very large dose of caffeine will make you overexcited and will not be able to think rationally. Caffeine in doses of more than 300 mg (four cups of natural coffee) per day will give anxiety, headache, tremors, arrhythmias.

6. Albert Einstein
Theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize laureate:

“Intellectual growth must begin from the moment of birth and stop only with death. Knowing where to find information and how to use it is the secret to success. The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former. Outstanding personalities are formed not through beautiful speeches, but by their own work and its results. "

7. Mark Porcius Cato
Senior statesman, writer:

"A wise man learns more from fools than fools learn from a wise man."

8. Play chess, checkers and poker.
These games not only can make you richer, but they are also great for developing your thinking. If you think that you play chess too well, try playing for a while, so that it takes no more than a minute to make a decision.

9. Develop your numerical sense.
Yes, yes, you already have one. Fetch a handful of change from your pocket, take a quick look at it and try to calculate the total from memory. Veronique Izgard, a cognitive psychologist at Harvard, found that ancient brain structures are responsible for the expense, with an age of something about a quasi a million years (is there such a number? We are bad with this), but they can develop throughout life. To check how developed your CC is at the moment, take a short test or a large-scale test, the results of which will even be preserved in the annals of an American university and will help move science forward. Well, then - develop CC. The easiest way is to pack things in a bag. When you figure out how best to cram them, your brain solves the most difficult problems and trains.

10. Feed your brain right!
Especially if you still can't tell a single poem from the school curriculum to the end, and Facebook reminds you of the birthdays of your acquaintances.

■ Walnuts. Almost the main food for a polymath! They even look like a brain. Five nuts a day - and you will be provided with lecithin, which improves brain function and activates memory. Nuts are also useful if you suddenly live in conditions of increased radiation.

■ Fish. Short and cold, it is rich in iodine, its meat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which provide a quick flow of energy necessary for the transmission of impulses in the brain cells. They also regulate blood cholesterol levels and improve vascular function. Eating at least 100 grams of fish a day will increase your reaction rate and reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

■ Pumpkin seeds. Pour half a glass into your jacket pocket and during office scandals improve your memory and make your brain think faster. All thanks to zinc.

■ Spinach. Add it to your morning omelet two to three times a week. Lutein in spinach protects brain cells from premature aging.

■ Sage. At Johns Hopkins University, they found that sage suppresses the action of amino acids responsible for memory impairment. Now they drink tea with sage every day and remember everyone about everyone.

11. Try to guess the next phrase of the interlocutor.
Rebecca Says of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is confident that with proper training, people will be able to understand others without words at all - by facial expressions, eyes and other similar signs. The section of the brain behind the right ear is responsible for this and is responsible for intuition.

12. Start a blog.
Talking about the events of the day in it, you will not only learn how to clearly formulate thoughts, but you will also constantly think about new topics and sharp answers to the questions of loyal readers.

13. Koichi Tohei
Writer, master of aikido, holder of 10th dan, founder of the Ki Society and the Ki-Aikido style:

“Reading is the cornerstone of intelligence. Fill your free time with reading all kinds of books. Read novels, non-fiction, biographies. Skim the book first to get a general idea of it. If you think it makes sense, read it again. As a result, your brain's ability to adapt to different circumstances and to organize a wide variety of data will increase. "

14. Solve crosswords.
Surprisingly, this works: the work of the brain is great spur on serious crosswords.

15. Konstantin Sheremetyev
Researcher, author of the project "Intelligence", author of the books "The Perfect Brain: How to Control the Subconscious" and "How to Become Smarter":

“Someone thinks that if at school he was good at solving problems in mathematics or something like that, it means that he is smart and will remain that way forever. This is utter nonsense. If you pump up your muscles at the age of 18, and then lie down on the sofa and forget about them, then very soon they will atrophy. And the same thing happens with the efficiency of the brain. "

16. Learn a foreign language.
Andrea Machelli, PhD in Neuroscience at the University of London, proves that people who know several foreign languages find it easier to switch between different mental tasks. An additional impetus in the development of your brain will give a new way of learning incomprehensible foreign words.

17. Don't waste time.
If you have a free minute at work, and you want to see a couple of meters of funny pictures, it is better to open Wikipedia and read the "random" article.

18. Take a walk.
It is enough to parade around the house three times a week for half an hour in order to concentrate attention, learn and think abstractly by 15%. And it's not just the flow of oxygen to your withering office-stuffy neurons: Scientists at the Salk Institute have proven that moderate exercise in the fresh air forces the brain to grow new cells.

19. Give your brain a rest.
No matter how busy you are, in the process of mental activity it is imperative to rest every hour and a half. For example, do some simple exercise or just walk down the hall and have a cup of coffee. Consider it a necessity. So the analytical centers of the brain better digest the accumulated information and come to some unexpected conclusion.

20. Give your brain a boost.
If you ignored all our advice, and tomorrow the championship finals “What? Where? When? "League of classmates, there is another way to shake the fat on the brain convolutions.

■ Neurometabolic stimulants, which are also nootropics, - means that have an activating effect on memory and mental activity, will help to urgently increase IQ. Note: completely legal. Words to search for in a pharmacy are: phenotropil, allertek, deprenyl. You can also try Phenibut, but, unlike previous drugs, it is drunk in a course of 2-3 weeks, a single use will not give the desired result. And it should be like this: lack of desire to give up everything and go to bed, increased reaction speed, slight irritability and the feeling that you are smarter than everyone around you. There is, however, a small problem. "The effect of nootropics on the brain has not yet been fully studied," says Konstantin Anokhin, head of the laboratory of neurobiology of memory at the Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. And one more thing: do not confuse nootropics with dietary supplements. These will also make you smarter for a while, but they act differently, and their effect is weaker. These are, say, ginkgo biloba, guarana, eleutherococcus and ginseng root.

21. Play Tetris.
A study by American scientists has shown that this classic puzzle can have a positive effect on the development of the human brain. Testing has shown that regular practice of playing Tetris can increase the amount of gray matter in the player's brain and improve his thinking ability. The brains of people who played this puzzle for half an hour a day during the experiment for three months underwent changes in areas related to movement, critical thinking, reasoning, language and information processing.

22. Leonardo da Vinci
Artist, inventor, scientist, writer:

"Iron rusts, finding no use for itself, standing water rots or freezes in the cold, and the human mind withers."

23. Sleep well.
It is in a dream that the brain processes the information collected during the day and forms memories. As calculated by the staff of the University of California at Berkeley, an adult usually needs 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

25. Read in new ways.
You, of course, have already skimmed through this advice and moved on to the next one. Try to go back and do this.

■ Take a pencil and, leading it under the line, read the text. The eye, having caught the movement, will run after the pointer, while reading everything that you slipped into it. Speed up the movement of the pencil each time - so your eyes will get used to the increased load, your reading speed will increase, and you will be able to absorb information faster.

■ 80% of people mentally pronounced words when reading. You acquired this bad habit while learning to read: you pronounced the text by letter, then by syllables, then put them into words. But this is not at all necessary for understanding. To combat the inner voice, learn to read the text, simultaneously counting to thirty or singing (without words) a song. For a week or two you will not understand the content of the text, but gradually everything will return to normal.

■ According to physiologists, in a person who sees something exciting, the pupils reflexively dilate. When you reach an interesting place in the text, the same thing is observed: the pupil expands, more light enters the eye, which means that it can capture more information. The only problem is how to get yourself to believe that the investigative report in front of you is as interesting as the interview with the cover girl. From a neurophysiological point of view, interest arises when the brain compares new information with the one already in memory. So just assume what exactly can be written in the text. The brain will be forced to compare information with real and willy-nilly - to show interest.

25. Get yourself an unusual hobby.
New activities, according to the Salk Institute for Biological Research in the suburbs of San Diego, firstly, are great at helping to distract from the routine, and secondly, they will force your brain to adapt to unfamiliar activities and, as a result, train ...