15 types of fraud and how not to fall for them


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The scammers will go to any lengths to get your money. Here are many examples of deception that are easy to believe. But don't do this!

1. A friend asks for a loan​

What's happening: An acquaintance writes on social networks or instant messengers that he is abroad and has run out of money. He asks to transfer, for example, 5000 ₽. He promises to return it in a few days.

In fact: Your friend's account was hacked. A fraudster who wants to receive money on his card writes on his behalf. As a rule, within a few hours the account owner appears on the social network and talks about the hack.

How to resist: Ignore the request for a transfer and do not respond to messages. Call a friend to tell about what happened and at the same time check if everything is okay.

2. They offered a loan, but first you need to buy insurance​

What happens: An unfamiliar bank offers a loan, but before that you need to meet with the courier to buy an insurance policy from him.

In fact: After paying for insurance, you, of course, will not receive any credit.

How to resist: Don't agree to a loan you didn't apply for. And if a real bank needs insurance, then ask about the rate without it and find out the list of accredited insurers where you can buy a policy, having previously selected the most profitable option.

3. You have listed the product on Avito - they are ready to send you money​

What's happening: You are listing something on Avito. A potential buyer calls. He says that he really wants to buy, but can’t get there quickly, and offers to make an advance so that you don’t sell the lot to anyone else. It asks for your card number and code from SMS.

In fact: By calling the code, you confirm the transfer of money from your card. There is no way to get them back.

How to resist: Do not call out codes from SMS. To transfer money to your card, you only need its number.

4. Your card is blocked, call back​

What happens: You receive an SMS message from the bank saying that your card has been blocked. At the end - an offer to call back at the specified number. (Alternatively, you may receive a call during which an electronic voice will tell you the same news and offer to call you back on the same number.) If you call back, you will be asked to give the card number and code from the received SMS.

In fact: Your money is being transferred to scammers.

How to resist:[/I ]Ignore offers to call the bank back. The bank does not send out requests to call back and does not request card details (it has them). Moreover, banks themselves warn customers that codes from SMS cannot be shared with anyone, not even bank employees. If you need to call the bank, then use the phone number listed on its official website.

5. Your relative is in trouble! He needs money​

What's happening: An unknown person calls on the phone. He says that a loved one is in trouble (for example, he is guilty of an accident) and he urgently needs money to solve the problem.

In fact: Most likely, everything is fine with your relative. After transferring the money, you want to call him - and then you realize that you have been deceived.

How to resist: Call your loved one right away to make sure they are okay.

6. They offer to invest at 600% per annum​

What happens: You saw an advertisement or were recommended a company that offers 400–600% per annum.

In fact: It is very difficult to obtain such profitability. Most likely, we are talking about a financial pyramid. Most likely, you will not receive any income or money invested.

How to resist: Invest only in proven financial instruments: deposits, securities, real estate, business. Even there you may make a loss, so do your analysis before investing.

7. Rental scam​

What happens: You find an advertisement for an attractive apartment for rent at below market rent. But the ad says that you need to pay a commission to the realtor before meeting him and viewing the property.

In fact: After transferring the money, the realtor will disappear.

How to resist: Do not transfer money for services before signing a formal contract.

8. They call and promise high returns.​

What happens: You get a call from some brokerage company. They offer to come to lessons and earn 40–50% per annum on trading “without much effort.”

In fact: Most likely, you are calling from a forex company. There is a high risk that you will quickly lose your investment. Ordinary brokers rarely impose their services and certainly do not promise high profitability, if only because the law prohibits them from guaranteeing profitability.

How to resist: Ignore offers. After the first call, add the phone number to the “black list”.

9. They call from an unknown number and quickly hang up the call.​

What's happening: Your phone receives a call from an unknown number. It lasts for a few seconds and then resets.

In fact: When you try to call back, you may be charged for an outgoing call.

How to resist: Check the phone number through an Internet search. Do not call back to suspicious numbers.

10. Buying MTPL at a very low price​

What's happening: On the Internet you can find many offers for assistance in purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy at a price below the market.

In fact: Most likely, the purchased policy will turn out to be fake or stolen. You will lose money and risk getting a fine for driving without insurance.

How to resist: Buy insurance from companies that are members of the Russian Union of Insurers.

11. Borrowed money and sold the apartment​

What happens: When applying for a loan from a microfinance company, you may be asked to sign several documents. Then - hurry up so that you don’t have time to read them.

In fact: One of the documents may be an apartment purchase and sale agreement. Or a regular loan agreement may contain a clause on the transfer of housing in case of default on the loan.

How to resist: Do not sign any document without careful study. If there are doubts or something is unclear, then postpone signing until the contract is fully understood. Check whether the MFO has a license (this can be done on the Central Bank website) - clients were forced to sign purchase and sale agreements by fake MFOs without a license.

12. Purchasing a bill of exchange instead of registering a deposit​

What's happening: You come to the bank to open a deposit, but the employee offers a bill of exchange whose yield is higher.

Fact: There is a chance that you will lose your money. This happened to some clients of the Asia-Pacific Bank: they purchased notes from a company that had no income. At the same time, the state does not insure investments in bills of exchange, unlike bank deposits.

How to resist: Don't invest in financial products you don't understand.

13. Follow the link from SMS​

What happens: You receive a message with intriguing content (for example, “Here is your photo”) and a hyperlink.

In fact: By clicking on the hyperlink, you can download a virus that will gain access to your online bank and allow you to steal access passwords and money transfer codes.

How to resist: Never click on links from SMS messages from unknown numbers.

14. The state will return money for vacation​

What's happening: They call you supposedly from a government organization (pension fund or social insurance fund) and say that since you have not used benefits in the past, part of the money reserved for this may be returned to you. You need to provide your card number and password via SMS.

In fact: This will be a money transfer from your card to the scammers’ account.

How to counter: Ignore the request for your card information. Offer to send bank account details for transferring money.

15. SMS with information about a purchase that you did not make​

What happens: You receive a message similar to a bank message, informing you that a purchase has been made. At the end there is a phrase that if you did not make a purchase, you need to call the bank at the specified phone number.

In fact: When you call back, you will be asked for your card details and code for transferring money.

How to resist: Call the bank at the phone number listed on the bank’s website.

This is not a complete list of scam schemes. They come up with something new regularly. Be careful!

(c) https://www.sravni.ru/text/15-vidov-moshennichestva-i-kak-na-nikh-ne-popastsja/