15 signs you're an carder-introvert without even knowing it


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Many people consider introverts to be shy, but they are not. It's just that introverts get their energy from loneliness and communication with several people, and extroverts are "charged" from large companies. Because of this misconception about shyness, many people don't even realize that they are actually introverts.

Journalist Maggie Heath has identified 15 signs of a "hidden" introvert:

Crowds stress you out.
The crowd is clearly not the most favorite place for an introvert. Concerts, rallies, conferences, sports arenas - this is where an introvert will feel uncomfortable spending time.

You are not keen on meeting new people.
This does not mean that you have a hard time making friends, it just sometimes takes a lot of energy from communicating with new people. When this happens, you feel the emptiness of the most trivial conversation.

You are strong in public speaking, but not in the chatter afterwards.
Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean that you cannot confidently present yourself in public. It's just easier for you to speak in front of an audience than to gossip with someone friendly afterwards. You can make a wonderful wedding toast, but you are unlikely to be among those guests who participate in all the contests and actively hang out at the party.

You are friends with extroverts.
Opposites attract, right? Many introverts are friends with extroverts because it strikes a balance between both types of people. Sometimes introverts need to be taken out of their shell for a little while, and extroverts sometimes need to realize the benefits of a quiet evening at home.

You don't like job interviews (at first).
Interviews are clearly not on the introvert's favorite things to do. However, introverts can do great on them. You are usually nervous at first, but as soon as you get to know your interlocutor a little closer, you strike him to the heart.

You are a loyal friend.
Introverts tend to be very loyal and honest people. This is because their energy depends on internal factors, and not on other people, so it is easier for them to be open to friends.

Sometimes you like doing nothing.
Extroverts are always on the move from one thing to another, while for introverts, quiet evenings are important alone. If simple "doing nothing" is the best way to relax and rejuvenate for you, chances are you are an introvert.

You don't immediately reply to messages.
You are not glued to your phone all the time. If you see that a message has come from a friend, then read and reply only when you are ready. After all, you are used to doing things at your own pace.

Your trust must be earned.
It can be difficult for an introvert to find a friend who respects his inward-looking nature. Therefore, when it comes to friendship, you need more time to start trusting the person. On the other hand, it means that you will not be hurt as often as extroverts, and that only those you can rely on will truly become your friends.

You write.
Many introverts are writers: either their careers are in writing in one way or another, or they enjoy writing for fun in their free time. It's a way to truly connect with your own self, a kind of moral reset.

You are polite.
Often, an introvert is more attentive to his surroundings and small details. This makes him a polite host and guest, and people enjoy being around him.

You prefer to plan everything.
If an extrovert can go with the flow and not plan anything for the future, the introvert is not happy with this state of affairs. Chances are, you plan any event so that everything goes smoothly and without problems. Whether it's going out with friends or doing work errands, having a good plan remains key.

You are called wise.
Young introverts are often called wise beyond their years. Often their behavior is assessed as mature. And who doesn't want to appear mature and wise?

You know what you like.
Introverts almost always know what they want. This has certain advantages. You are open to new things, but at the same time resolutely refuse everything that you consider unnecessary.

You keep balance.
Introverts manage to maintain a balance between time spent alone and socializing. Introverts combine them in such a way as to get maximum energy without sacrificing social activity. This balance is great: it gives you the ability to have fun and work without burnout.