15 positive facts about the situation in the banking system

Carding Forum

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Household deposits are growing, while lending rates are decreasing.

On his Facebook page, Deputy Head of the National Bank Vladislav Rasshkovan published positive statistics on the development of the banking industry for June.

Market liquidity
  1. Household deposits (except for individual entrepreneurs) in hryvnia increased by UAH 5.3 billion (+ 2.8%)
  2. Corporate sector deposits in hryvnia increased by UAH 2 billion (+1.0%);
  3. The amount of refinancing of banks decreased by UAH 3.1 billion (total by UAH 20.95 billion since the beginning of the year);
  4. Correspondent accounts of banks in hryvnia increased by 8.2 billion hryvnia. (total by UAH 17.5 billion since the beginning of the year); including NBU certificates of deposit, the total liquidity of banks is UAH 94.8 billion.
  5. Funds for the EKR of the Treasury in hryvnia amounted to UAH 18 billion - the Ministry of Finance also has money;

The value of money goes down:
  1. On June 24, the NBU cut the discount rate to 16.5% (by 1.5 pp);
  2. The weighted average rate on deposits of individuals in hryvnia decreased from 16.5% to 16.2% (in December 2015 it was 16.7%).
  3. The weighted average rate on deposits of individuals in foreign currency decreased from 6.5% in December to 5.8% in May and 5.4% in June;
  4. The weighted average rate on loans issued in hryvnia on the interbank market decreased from 19.5% to 17.4%;
  5. Based on the inflation dynamics in June, we see that inflation is likely to remain at the same low values.

The foreign exchange market is in a positive mood:
  1. The hryvnia exchange rate against the dollar in June strengthened by 31 kopecks (+ 1.2%);
  2. Gold and foreign exchange reserves (gold reserves) at the current exchange rate also increased. And this is without the IMF tranches. The second revision of the IMF program is approaching, after which we expect to further increase the gold and foreign exchange reserves;
  3. Deposits of the corporate sector in foreign currency (in USD equivalent) increased by 256 million USD. USA (+5.2%);
  4. In June, the population sold to banks $ 379 million more than they bought;
  5. In the foreign exchange market, the sale of export earnings continued to significantly exceed payments for imports - by an average of $ 27 million per day.