15 most important lessons about starting and growing a business


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Salute, the author of the article has launched a lot of startups, and in his experience, it is a bit like a trip in a heavy fog, when you can see only a few meters in front of you - you do not know what awaits you ahead until you directly face it.


However, the longer you have been an entrepreneur, the better you can navigate this fog.

I've been in this fog for over ten years and today I finally decided to write about the 15 most important lessons about starting and growing a business that I learned during this time. Think of these tips as "things I would like to know about when I was young and stupid." Let's move on to them.

1. Don't look at statistics
People often mention the statistic that 95 percent of businesses fail. Never mind - this is just an excuse you lean on when you want to give up. But even if these numbers are correct, it is only because most people do not try to go to the end or are too thoughtlessly managing their budget.

2. Do what you love
Don't start doing what you won't be able to do in the next few years. Because if you succeed, you will have to carry on this business further even after five years.

3. You don't have to know everything about everything
In fact, you probably don't know anything when you start your business. Start it any way you want. When I first started investing in real estate, I had no idea how to buy property, rent a house, or evict a tenant. I learned everything already “on the spot”. And you will find out too.

4. Complete what you started.
Almost every entrepreneur I know suffers from a similar problem: we love starting business more than finishing it. In other words, if you are a good entrepreneur, you will always have a lot of great ideas. Most of them can work and make you a lot of money. However, this does not mean that you should pursue each of them. Pick one and walk with it to the end until you reach its full potential. Well, or until you become rich enough to buy your own island.

5. Do not take the first people you come across as partners
Look for a partner who will make you stronger. A bad partner will only get in your way, make you hate your job, and end up with the business because it will create more problems than solutions.

6. It will be very difficult for you to manage people
It's okay, everyone starts that way. However, there is one thing that you must take care of. Hire an assistant right away, even if they'll work remotely for $ 3 an hour. This will allow you to do a great job of being a leader and not spend too much money on it.

7. Social media is not very important
We convince ourselves of the opposite so that we can easily flip through pictures with cats on Facebook. I advise you to install a feed blocker.

8. Stop designing business cards, logos and paraphernalia
You don't need them at the moment. Grow your business and stop doing things that make you feel like you've already achieved something.

9. There is a fine line between infatuation and obsession.
This line was scorching. You need to cross this line gradually, so as not to allow anyone to reproach you for being too obsessed with your idea. I, for one, am totally obsessed with investing in real estate - and that's okay. What are you obsessed with?

10. Don't quit your main job right away
Yes, you will have more time to develop your business, but let's be honest: there are 168 hours a week, 40 of them are spent at work, and another 50 for sleeping. You have plenty of time if you twist and turn down TV shows. But don't be afraid to quit your job if you can afford it.

11. Focus on the most profitable tasks
Divide your tasks and determine, conditionally, for which you get $ 10 dollars, and for which $ 1000, and focus on the high-paying ones. And yes, you do a lot of $ 1000 tasks in an hour without even realizing it.

12. Your other half and children are much more important than any business
Just don't forget about it.

13. Read a lot
If you don't have time, listen to audiobooks. And not only on the topic of business. Books about motivation, self-development, success, fiction and biographies - whatever.

14. Get up early in the morning.
Yes you can and you should. I don't care if you're not used to doing this. This is an excuse for all lazy people. Read more about this in Hal Elrod's excellent book, The Magic of the Morning. She will change your life.

15. Try not to worry about making money.
Concentrate on building your business so that people give you money.

Like driving alone on a highway on a dark, foggy night, entrepreneurship can be a little intimidating. I hope that at least one of the tips listed above will help you overcome this fog a little easier and more confidently. If you have just started your way in business, just remember: you need to continue to wade through this fog, then you will say "thank you" to yourself for this.