11 Simplest Ways to Become "Carder Above Average"


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This is what I define as "normal": to be like everyone else. This is good because it means that you are a rational person who tries your best to be happy without harming others.

But here's the thing: "normal" and "average" are two completely different things. However, they constantly intersect with each other.

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Average is not cool. It means accepting things as they should be, it means constantly following the crowd, even when it's not good for you.

Here are 11 ways you can get above average.

1. Thank the service personnel.
Personally, I find it disgusting when some people start thinking that they can treat service personnel like empty space just because of a dumb and false idea called "The customer is always right."
If you want to rise above average, respect everyone around you.

Be grateful and acknowledge that you need staff, no matter how much you spend on them.

2. Remove junk from fast food.
It amazes me that there are so many adults in the world who do not care about the cleanliness of their desks. You are not three years old. Clean up after you!

3. Thank people for their questions.
Most people assume that gratitude can be shown when a favor has been done for you. This is not very good human behavior. It looks more like a deal.

How about gratitude for the smallest and most beautiful things in life? Try to thank others for asking you questions. Show them that you value them and value talking to them.

4. Read a book on the train.
Read a book on the train. You will probably be the only person there with the book. Why? Because everyone else will be busy with their smartphones and social media.

Reading increases pure knowledge. Social media, videos and the like are mostly pointless distractions.

5. Try to look good.
I think a lot of people in their adult life just let themselves go with the flow and don't see much point in looking their best. Good looks are pride that will always be with you. Eat right. Exercise. Wear nice clothes. Shave. Anything.

6. Guys, let your ego and your anger go into the back seat.
It's too easy to indulge in justified and righteous anger and start acting like a baboon. Real strength comes from the ability to control oneself, forgiving others, from the ability to deal with conflicting emotions and not commit impulsive, rash acts.

If you think the winner in an argument or quarrel is the one who hits himself harder in the chest or yells louder, think again. A true winner knows how to win with less effort.

7. Guys, treat women with respect.
Most young people today are preoccupied with "getting glasses" and they see who gets the hottest girl. By taking part in these small games, some guys deliberately deceive the girls, or each other.

If you really want to stand out from the crowd, treat women with respect. Be a gentleman. Be sincere. These traits are very rare in the modern world.

8. Stop complaining, even if you have a reason to do so.
You know, not everything in life goes the way it should. You can either deal with it and move on, or you can start complaining to the whole world. Just do yourself a favor and move forward. Nobody likes whiners. If you show that you can solve your problems, people will respect you for it.

9. First, try to fix the problem yourself.
I believe that with all these helplines, Google, with better ways to communicate with each other, hardly anyone ever tries to do something on their own first. They think it's okay to always get help.

Yes, there are many convenient options that make your life better. But I think you can prove your resourcefulness by making it one of your defining traits.

10. Walk.
Too many people today cannot stop relying on taxis to protect their lazy asses. Worse, some spoiled people, as leaders, believe that walking is a sin because they deserve to be driven by status. “Why should we walk? We have cars! ”

If the distance is short, then for God's sake, go on foot. This is good for you.

11. Don't check your phone with the company.
Because too many people meet just to check how others are checking their phones.

Put your phone aside. Enjoy the company. If it is urgent, you will find out about it anyway.

12. If you get drunk, behave yourself.
Or just go home. Too many get drunk and act like idiots. The most offensive thing is that they can always "excuse themselves" by the fact that they allegedly do not remember anything from what happened.

If you do not want to be among the "average", then being drunk, behave yourself. You're still conscious, after all. Better yet, just don't get drunk. Know when to stop.