10 Secrets of Wealth from Adam J. Jackson's Book


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"When you are driven to despair,
you start asking yourself questions,
and the nature of these questions
determines your destiny."
- Adam J. Jackson

How often do you lament about why certain events are happening to you? What questions are you asking yourself at this moment? Most often: "Why did this happen to me?", "Why am I poor?", "Why am I sick?" etc. Such questions do not provide any solutions, they rob them of hope and the future.

Remember! Your brain is constantly busy looking for answers to any questions. Wrong question - leads to wrong answers.

And if you want to live your life exactly as you dream - financially independent, achieve wealth and abundance, be healthy and happy - learn to formulate your questions as correctly as possible.

The golden rule for solving all problems is: "When it seems to you that you have exhausted all possibilities, remember ... that you are not!"

We recommend that you read at least one of the four capacious books by Adam J. Jackson on the ten secrets of wealth, health, happiness or love. We really hope that the stories told in each of his books will inspire you to new achievements and victories.

Today our conversation will focus on ten secrets of wealth.

Great people don't ask themselves the question "Why?", They ask themselves, "What can I do to become rich?" or "How to improve your life?"

All who have managed to achieve and increase their wealth are united by one very important feature - personal responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Successful people don't blame unhappy childhoods, government, or the weather for their problems. Rich people do not wait for the right circumstances and happy occasions, they create them themselves.

Each of us has the power to create destiny, just like any other. Your future does not have to be the same as the past. You get what you got today just because you are doing the same things that you did before.

The secrets of true wealth, like all the secrets of nature, are available to everyone:

Secret 1. The power of subconscious beliefs​

In fact, the amount you earn is usually exactly what you are worth according to your beliefs.

The winner is the one who believes he can win!

Secret 2. The power of all-consuming desire​

As soon as you have an irresistible desire to have something - life will soon provide you with a way to get what you want.

In other words, whatever you want very badly, you always have the strength to achieve it.

Secret 3: The Power of Clarity of Intention​

Many people say they want to be rich, but very few take the time to think about what they really want and why they need it.

It is very important to know as precisely as possible what you need to the smallest detail. If you want a new car, you must know the exact model, color, make, etc. It is important to understand how this purchase will benefit you.

Secret 4. The power of a well-thought-out plan of action​

All successful people plan their future and follow this plan by scheduling meetings, travel, or training.

If you decide to succeed, you must follow three rules - be organized ... be organized ... and be organized ...

Secret 5. The Power of Special Knowledge​

Specialized knowledge is always capable of generating income.

Whatever business you undertake, if you do not have special knowledge about this business, it will be very difficult to achieve success.

Secret 6. The Power of Perseverance​

Stubborn people succeed where others fail.

Successful people never give up.

Secret 7: The Power of Cost Control​

No one can create and maintain their wealth without having a steady income and accumulating it.

If you regularly save a certain amount and invest it wisely, your money will generate interest and the amount will increase.

Better to have your money work for you than you will always work for the sake of money.

Secret 8. The Power of Honesty​

Whatever you do in your life, it will definitely come back to you. "What you sow, so will you reap", "As it comes around, it will respond."

Any deception and fraud sooner or later become apparent.

Secret 9: The Power of Faith​

Everything in life begins with faith.

Do as you would if you knew you would not fail. Be brave and powerful forces will come to your aid!

Secret 10: The Power of Charity​

If you give away some of your wealth, share with those who need help, your money becomes a source of happiness, and you only multiply it.

What principles of True Wealth do you apply in your life?

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