10 Basic Rules of Social Engineering


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Here are ten basic rules of social engineering. Read them and you will be able to communicate confidently, correctly and, most importantly, effectively with everyone.


Rule 1: Don't pressure the victim
Some of the people you deal with are not stupid vegetables. They don't just want you to give them your password and money; they want trust. If you don't gain their trust in the first conversation, write that you are busy and change the topic for tomorrow. This will attract the victim to you and build trust.

Rule 2: Don't feed them niggles
Never let the victim think for a moment that you are desperate or that you only have one client.

Rule 3: Pretend to be polite.
Make the victim believe that you are helping him.

Rule 4: Make the victim feel stupid.
Can I help you set up an FTP host? Don't tell them they need a password. By saying "I have root on port 667, so...". Saying: "I need SQL blah blah blah." Do you know how to do this?"

Rule 5: Always be busy.
If you have just started communicating with a stranger. Always pretend that you are busy and that it is an urgent million dollar issue. It goes something like this." I'd love to help, but I'm really busy right now." "Let me finish, then I can help you without interruption."

Rule 6 - Speak up.
If you are a business person, then there is nothing wrong with a short conversation. Well, if not, do it from time to time ****.

Rule 7 - Write smart messages.
If you're on a thread and you see someone writing in CAPITAL LETTERS, it's bound to get your attention, right? Don't be an idiot, at least don't make spelling mistakes, write correctly and use correct uppercase and lowercase letters.

Rule 8 - I had the same experience.
Make it clear that you were in the same situation as the victim. This will make you more persuasive.

Rule 9 - "It looks like you really exist."
Sometimes it works. At least put your avatar on icq.

Rule 10 - Don't put yourself out there.
It doesn't matter what you want to gain or achieve by communicating with the victim. Even if the victim is someone like your mom, everyone writes notes. Even if the victim is someone like your mom. In most cases, the professional approach is to stop communicating completely once the desired result has been achieved.