
  1. Tomcat

    99.4% success rate: zero-day exploit for all current Windows for sale

    You can upgrade your privileges in just two seconds. How much do hackers want for a new hacking tool? A new exploit for local Privilege escalation (LPE) in Windows operating systems has appeared on underground hacker forums. According to the seller under the pseudonym "vulns-rock", the exploit...
  2. Father

    Darknet sells zero-day vulnerability exploit in iOS for 2.5 million euros

    Online Database Monitoring Company I found out that the darknet sells an exploit of a new zero-day vulnerability for iOS and macOS devices. It is based on the vulnerability CVE-2022-32893, which the company fixed the other day. However, the researchers claim that the exploit is intended...
  3. Father

    Zero-day vulnerabilities: How to deal with the unknown

    Table of contents What is a zero-day vulnerability? Where do zero-day vulnerabilities come from? Preventive protection Preventive protection Responding to the exploitation of a zero-day vulnerability Results The "wild nature" of the information security world is saturated with a variety of...
  4. Teacher

    Windows users, beware: DarkGate exploits a zero-day vulnerability

    The SmartScreen security bug served hackers well. Maybe you also managed to become a victim of it? In mid-January, security researchers noticed a new large-scale campaign to distribute malicious software DarkGate, exploiting a recently fixed vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows security...
  5. Brother

    CVE-2023-34048: zero-day, which was secretly exploited for about two years

    Chinese UNC3886 leaves no chance for privacy for VMware users. A group of cybercriminals linked to China and known as UNC3886 secretly exploited a critical zero-day vulnerability in the management system of VMware vCenter Server from the end of 2021. This information was disclosed in a recent...
  6. Brother

    Zero-day "MyFlaw" in Opera allows hackers to run malicious files on Windows and macOS

    The source of the risk was a built-in but long-forgotten browser feature. Security researchers from Guardio Labs discovered a serious flaw in the Opera web browser for Windows and macOS operating systems. With its help, attackers can run absolutely any files, including malicious ones, in the...