windows xp

  1. Tomcat

    Hackers use a cult game from Windows XP to hide malicious scripts

    How did the much-loved Minesweeper suddenly turn into a digital weapon? Cybercriminals use Python code-a clone of the legendary game "Minesweeper" from Microsoft to hide malicious scripts in attacks on financial and insurance organizations in Ukraine. This was reported by the research agencies...
  2. Father

    Dozens of viruses in 2 minutes: what happens to Windows XP if you connect it to the Internet?

    The experiment showed how vulnerable legacy operating systems are. A recent video of popular YouTuber Eric Parker caused a storm of emotions among netizens. Parker clearly demonstrated how dangerous it is to connect old operating systems to the Internet without any protection, including...
  3. CUK77

    Настройки XP

    Статья не моя, взял с (с разрешения администратора), от себя, настроил на виртуалках и ru, и en получается шустро и не лагает. Цель нижеописанных советов избавить установленную Windows XP Pro Russian от совершенно ненужных для домашнего пользователя украшательств и ускорить в...