
  1. Teacher

    8 ways to stay anonymous online

    Salyut, carders, data protection on the Internet is one of the most pressing problems. We spend more and more time online and leave more and more personal information there. This information can be used by intruders. Although it is not possible to completely hide your presence on the Internet...
  2. Teacher

    29 ways to fail

    Salute, carders, today we have an interesting article about how to be defeated. 1) Unfavorable heredity. Very little can be done for those who have inherited "weak brains"from their parents. The only thing that can help them overcome this weakness is to rely on the "collective mind". However...
  3. Lord777

    ⚡️ 7 ways to save energy until the end of the day

    If by lunchtime you are counting the hours and minutes until the end of the day, and then fall off your feet and you are not enough for anything else, take note of these life hacks. ? 1. Love what you do Even if you understand that work is just a source of income for you, look for something...
  4. Lord777

    2 effective ways to deal with procrastination

    ? 1. The principle of "rotation of the bicycle pedals" The simplest, and perhaps the most effective method, which got its name from the principle of a regular bicycle. Remember: when you get on a bike, the greatest effort has to be made when the vehicle is just starting to move. At this moment...
  5. Jollier

    How attacks on chip cards work

    Content Chip Legacy Brazilian hack Cryptogram Replay and Cryptogram Preplay PIN OK Conclusion Almost all modern bank cards are equipped with a special chip that stores the information necessary for payments. In today's article I will talk about the methods of fraud with such cards, as well as...