vpn services

  1. Father

    Cisco Talos: Hackers attack VPN services around the world

    Hackers hack Cisco VPN, CheckPoint, Fortinet! International cybersecurity was under threat after experts from Cisco Talos discovered a large-scale credential matching campaign targeting VPN and SSH services of devices from companies such as Cisco, CheckPoint, Fortinet, SonicWall and Ubiquiti...
  2. Father

    State Duma deputy: VPN services can make you an accomplice in DDoS attacks

    Anton Nemkin warns about the risks of using anonymous networks. Internet users who use VPN services may unwittingly become participants in criminal schemes. This was stated by State Duma deputy Anton Nemkin. According to the MP, scammers actively exploit VPN technologies to involve users in...
  3. Father

    The State Duma warned about the dangers of using VPN services

    MOSCOW, 15 Apr-RIA Novosti. Users can be involved in criminal schemes due to the use of VPN services, in particular in DDoS attacks on state resources, said State Duma Deputy Anton Nemkin. "Fraudsters also do not stand still in the development of their schemes. So now VPNs are already actively...