
  1. chushpan

    Malware. Sniffer. Stealer. Viruses.

    Hello Anonymous. Where do cards with balances come from and why doesn’t it work out for you? The first answer is outrageously simple: they steal or buy. More often than not, it’s the latter, because stealing data is a tricky task and not everyone is capable of it. What is a stealer? What is a...
  2. Tomcat

    Viruses in ATMs: danger or free money?

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sent information to banks about the spread of a virus that forces ATMs to issue money using a code entered from the keyboard. Anyone can withdraw money from an ATM infected with this virus, just know the code. ATMs manufactured by NCR were infected...
  3. Tomcat

    ATM viruses post

    Guys, I couldn't stand it. We will now talk about the ATM virus discovered more than a year ago in Diebold ATMs, and the basic principle of its operation. This topic is ancient, the peak of hysteria has long passed, but the public has not found out what really happened, which is why even IT...
  4. Father

    Dozens of viruses in 2 minutes: what happens to Windows XP if you connect it to the Internet?

    The experiment showed how vulnerable legacy operating systems are. A recent video of popular YouTuber Eric Parker caused a storm of emotions among netizens. Parker clearly demonstrated how dangerous it is to connect old operating systems to the Internet without any protection, including...
  5. Father

    CISA opens access to the authorities weapon against viruses: Malware Next-Gen is now available to everyone

    Now the tool is available not only for the government, but also for private companies. CISA has announced the launch of a new malware analysis system, Malware Next — Gen, which allows organizations to analyze malware samples and other suspicious artifacts. The service is now available for...
  6. Father

    Games as bait: How hackers use YouTube to spread viruses

    Despite the best efforts of YouTube, scammers manage to conduct a cunning campaign. Cybersecurity company Proofpoint reports that hackers distribute malware through YouTube channels that promote hacked video games. Cybercriminals place links in video descriptions to sites that deliver Vidar...
  7. Teacher

    AZORult Trojan turns Google Docs into a hotbed of viruses

    AZORult adapts to modern defenses with a clever campaign. Netskope Threat Labs has revealed a new campaign that uses Google Sites phishing pages to distribute the AZORult infostiler. The phishing campaign is not yet associated with any specific attacker or group, but is aimed at collecting...
  8. Teacher

    New Glubteba features: even reinstalling the OS won't save you from viruses

    The Glupteba botnet achieves stability using an unknown UEFI bootkit. Experts from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 found that the Glupteba botnet has acquired a new feature – an undocumented loader for the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), which significantly increases the stability and...
  9. Brother

    For 347 rubles in bitcoins: the Belarusian created viruses on orders from the CIS and China

    Voronovsky hacker will face criminal punishment. Employees of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Hrodna region Internal Affairs Department detained a 35-year-old resident of Voronovo, who was engaged in the development of malicious computer programs. According to the investigation...
  10. Carding 4 Carders

    AI on guard of health: EVEscape helps fight viruses

    The tool will help you study unknown viruses and prevent a new pandemic. EVEscape's new AI tool is able to analyze evolutionary and biological data to predict how a virus might change to avoid the effects of the immune system. Scientists say that the tool can help in the development of vaccines...
  11. Carding

    An old threat with a new face: China resurrects USB viruses

    Africa is the first place where viruses can spread comfortably. The days when USB flash drives were the main tool for spreading malware seemed like a distant past. However, according to the information security company Mandiant, the Chinese hacker group UNC53 used this method to attack at least...
  12. Carding

    Biba and Bob: telecoms under the gun of new HTTPSnoop and PipeSnoop viruses

    Hackers spy on the Middle East, disguising themselves as a means of protection. Two new types of malware, HTTPSnoop and PipeSnoop, were used in cyber attacks on telecommunications companies in the Middle East. According to a report from Cisco Talos, the malware belongs to the same threat actor...
  13. Brother

    History of Bulgarian viruses

    In the spring of 1989, computers in Europe, the United States and Asia began to suffer from unknown malware. At every sixteenth start of the infected executable file, the virus overwrote an arbitrary sector of the machine's hard disk and displayed the phrase "Eddie lives ... somewhere in time"...
  14. Lord777

    Where to download viruses to study and check antivirus

    Usually we don't look for viruses, they find us themselves. But there are those who need viruses, and even those who collect these viruses. In today's article I will tell you about such people and about how to create a harmless virus to test protection tools, and about where to download viruses...
  15. Carding

    Computer viruses

    Computer viruses are a type of malicious programs that can be embedded in the code of other applications and reproduced by copying themselves. They are also capable of distributing their copies through various communication channels. A computer virus is created in order to reduce the...
  16. Saibot

    Crypting for free

    Why need crypting ? I can crypt your file For test my crypter