
  1. Teacher

    From Ubuntu to Debian: Many Linux distributions are at risk due to a long-standing bug

    The WallEscape vulnerability went unnoticed for 11 years. Did hackers manage to use it? A serious vulnerability has been discovered in the Linux operating system that allows unprivileged attackers to steal passwords or change the victims clipboard. The problem concerns the wall command in the...
  2. Teacher

    Hackers broke into Windows 11, Tesla and Ubuntu: Grand Prix on the first day of Pwn2Own

    Specialists managed to uncover 19 zero-day vulnerabilities and win cash prizes. On the first day of the Pwn2Own competition in Vancouver in 2024, participants demonstrated 19 zero-day vulnerabilities in Windows 11, Tesla cars, and Ubuntu. For their findings, experts received awards totaling...
  3. Teacher

    Fake crypto wallets flooded the official Ubuntu app store

    Scammers once again targeted gullible users. How not to become their victim? This is not the first time that fraudulent cryptocurrency wallets disguised as well-known brands have appeared in Canonical's popular Snap Store Linux app store. Earlier, in February of this year, security researchers...
  4. Teacher

    Attack scenario for the handler of non-installed applications in Ubuntu

    Researchers from Aqua Security drew attention to the possibility of an attack on users of the Ubuntu distribution, using the implementation features of the "command-not-found" handler, which gives a hint in case of an attempt to launch a program that is missing from the system. The problem is...