
  1. dunkelh3it

    High Quality TR1-TR2 Dumps

    ✔ Price for TR1-TR2 Dumps starts from 10$ ✔ Frequent UPDATES ✔ Instant stuff delivery ✔ Replace lost/stolen/hold/card error ( 12 Hour ) ✔ Individual approach to each customer ✘ Not have D+P ✘ NO any free test CONTACT Icq : @Dunkelh3it CONTACT Telegram : @Dunkelh3it
  2. jackblack206

    how to get get track 2 from track 1

    i got some dumps but only track 1 i can make track 2 for most of the dumps but using track 1 but for the rest i am not sure .
  3. X

    Freshly Skimmed T1+T2 USA ORIGINAL T1/T2 95% VALIDITY

    Selling original T1+T2 all based in USA, I can assure you you will not find better quality; I'm also not a fucking reseller, give me a shot and you won't be disappointed. Dumps $40 each Limited time - Original Track 1 + 2 - Fresh as Fuck - High Validity Rate - $40 Each (No exceptions) + $10...
  4. Rafael101

    [Tut] How to Plug NCR Skimmer (Green Bazel) ?

    admin please erase
  5. B

    FRESH WORLDWIDE DUMPS! Low prices and instant delivery. 24/7 SERVICE

    Hello brothers, We are ready introduce you our service. We have dumps only with ORIGINAL TRACK1+TRACK2. Approval rate very high, we sell only good dumps. We have daily update. we sell only high quality dumps and guarantee they will work good, not for 20$ or 100$. We accept: Webmoney, Liberty...
  6. admin


    FREE DUMPs - бесплатные дампы
  7. B

    Virgin dumps from the oldest vendor on the market ICQ: 49162552

    Hello, i am BadB and i am selling dumps since times of carderplanet. Without excess modesty i want to say that i am one of the biggest dumps vendor for the moment. For all services in one link is: I am not here to provide just dumps for sale - i proudly can say i provided...