
  1. Tomcat

    What a carder looks like: a psychological portrait of a swindler

    Carding in terms of quantity ranks second in the capital - theft is firmly established in first place. As you know, in popular culture, swindlers are often presented as intellectuals with good taste and Robin Hood habits. Veronika Krapukhina, head of the psychological service department of the...
  2. Tomcat

    The swindler who sold nonexistent baths, is detained by cyberpolizei

    Cyberpolom DP Kostanay region detained a fraudster who sold non-existent baths. For repeated commission of fraud, he faces up to seven years in prison with confiscation of property. Polisia.kz. Olzhas Magyparov, the head of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Kostanay region DP, told...
  3. Father

    Will judge the swindler from Dnepr who lured out more than 800 thousand on a dating site

    Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation in cooperation with the Cyber Police Department have completed a pre-trial investigation against a former cadet of one of the law enforcement universities in Dnipropetrovsk region. It deceived the inhabitant of Dnepr more than on 800 thousand...
  4. Father

    The swindler deceived dozens of Belarusian companies and fled to Poland

    The Zhodinsky city Department of the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case against the head of the Baksi LLC organization, who defrauded dozens of Belarusian organizations for a total amount of about 225 thousand rubles in just a month. According to the investigation, a...
  5. Teacher

    The swindler persuaded the child to transfer 80 thousand dollars to save the mother

    The Inter-district Criminal Court of Astana has sentenced 37-year-old Kairat M. to 5 years in a medium security penal colony for aiding and abetting fraud. He was part of the scheme of a swindler, according to which he lured over 30 million tenge from a pensioner and a schoolgirl. According to...
  6. Teacher

    The swindler who stole using phishing money allegedly for restoration of the temple is detained

    Employees of the Criminal investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region detained a suspect in fraud under the pretext of collecting money for the restoration of the Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village...
  7. Brother

    Police investigators in Kostroma have completed the case of a swindler who sold non-existent goods via the Internet

    In the fall of 2022, a resident of the Kostroma region contacted the duty station of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Kostroma, reporting that she had purchased a boat motor through a well-known Internet service. The woman paid for the purchase by bank transfer in the...
  8. Brother

    The swindler "paid" "UN aid", sitting in a pre-trial detention center

    Prosecutors of the Zhytomyr regional Prosecutor's Office sent to the court an indictment against a resident of the Kiev region on the fact of fraud committed repeatedly, using electronic computing equipment, causing significant damage to the victims, and legalization (laundering) of funds...