
  1. Carding 4 Carders

    Kopeechka Bot Factory opens doors for spammers and scammers

    The service makes it easier for inexperienced hackers to conduct spam campaigns. Trend Micro experts have identified a new service that allows you to create hundreds of fake social media accounts in a matter of seconds, becoming accessible to low-level cybercriminals. A service called Kopeechka...
  2. GX40


    ?GX40 X SPAMER.IO? How To Get Any Fullz With GX40 Sender V.3.7 GX40 Features : - Auto create redirect attachment - HTML Letter to Image - HTML to PDF attachment - HTML to Image PDF atatchment - Email to SMS - SMS sender - Carrier Validator - Random Letter, from name, subject and link If you...
  3. christo_

    i need a trick hosting for beginner

    Hello, I'm a beginner in spam, and I'm looking for a way to hosting scam page on shell or cpanel for free (Please) Because I don't have money to buy domains
  4. N

    Fulls : Full infos from USA/CA

    I have full infos for USA / CA . They are mixed. Format: * Email,Fname,Lname,Address,City,State,30141,US,DOB,DateTaken,IP,Sex,Phone * First,Last,Street,City,ST,Zip,Phone,Email,IP,Date_time * Fname,Lname,Address,State,zip,City,Phone,Email,DateTaken,URL These are hacked info. Comes in text...
  5. B

    locking for a good spammer,i have good work

    if u are a good spammer pm me with ur icq.i offer u 20 % of what we do.or lets have a chat if u intending to ask for 50 % or smthing like that dont contact me,i have good guys at this %. thanks,