
  1. chushpan

    Sniffers and more. Choosing a tool for intercepting and analyzing traffic.

    The content of the article: Theory Wireshark CommView Intercepter-NG SmartSniff tcpdump Burp Suite Conclusion Traffic analysis is the most important step in penetration testing (or even hacking). In packets transmitted over the network, you can find a lot of interesting things, for example...
  2. Tomcat

    Four JavaScript sniffers that lie in wait for you in online stores

    Almost every one of us uses the services of online stores, which means that sooner or later we run the risk of becoming a victim of JavaScript sniffers-a special code that attackers embed on the site to steal bank card data, addresses, usernames and passwords of users. Almost 400,000 users of...
  3. Carding


    Sniffers are programs that can intercept and analyze network traffic. Sniffers are useful in cases where you need to extract any information from the data stream (for example, passwords) or perform network diagnostics. The program can be installed on one device to which there is access, and...