
  1. Sporex

    [CALL & SMS] SPOREX | CALL & SMS SPOOFING | 0.00 min downtime | PREMIUM ROUTES | Custom sender ID | LOW PRICES |

    Sporex Spoofed Calls and SMS Spamming We are the #1 Leading service for Spamming and Spoofing - SMS with full DLR (Delivered/NotDelivered reports) - Exclusive SIP Server (TCP encrypted Calls) - Custom Sender ID - Custom Caller ID - No downtime - 24/7 Support We are offering free leads for...
  2. TROXStealer

    [TROX Stealer] - Revolutionary stealer designed to steal data and transfer securely and seamlessly

    TROX Stealer Introducing our revolutionary stealer designed to steal data and transfer securely and seamlessly! - Bypass anti-viruses undetected scantime & runtime - Steal Cookie, Password, History, Autofill, Bookmark, Credit Card information - Steal Discord token information - Steal...
  3. Anonim_209524574

    Сайт без 3дс, карта нон вбв. Какой такой СМС? / I don't understand! website without 3ds, non vbv card. What kind of SMS?

    Че ему надо от меня? Почему он не хочет давать денег мне просто так? Какая еще смска? Че он пристал ко мне!?
  4. J

    SMS verification app or service recommend? For OTP

    Hi I am trying to do some food delivery service. in order to register an account, it requires phone number and SMS verification. Can someone recommend any service or plaform which I can get virtual phone number ? Thank you for any guidance!
  5. Carding Forum

    Telegram bots deliver SMS stealers to users to intercept 2FA codes

    Positive Technologies experts warn about the activity of cybercriminals using Telegram as a command center (C2). In particular, the researchers identified more than a thousand bots in the messenger that use SMS stealers to intercept authentication codes. According to Positive Technologies...
  6. F

    Need an vendor for cc 3ds with sms verification

    Hello can someone please advise me an vendor which i can buy an cc with 3ds and sms ? Only Europe Thanks in advance
  7. BURZH

    SMS, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram mailings

    Good afternoon, dear forum users! From us you can order SMS mailings, as well as mailings via instant messengers (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram). We will send your advertising proposal of any subject to any country in the world with high quality. We will select an individual gateway and price...
  8. tgsmsnetadmin

    [No VOIP] - Fast and reliable SMS verification for online services [USA NUMBERS]

    TGSMS.NET - Fast and reliable SMS verification for online services. Non-VOIP USA Numbers. Say goodbye to verification hassles. Welcome simplicity. Benefits and Features: The opportunity to gain rapid access to services. Support most popular services such as X, Discord, Telegram, etc...
  9. Tomcat


    - - allows you to specify the sender, works exclusively with RU numbers. 70 characters. - - works with major US mobile operators, 155 characters. - - allows you to specify the sender (registration is required), works with...
  10. Father

    Hack the Telit Cinterion modem: how a single SMS gives you complete control over your device

    Vulnerabilities in modems allow you to bypass security measures and take possession of someone else's device. Dangerous vulnerabilities in Telit Cinterion cellular modems allow attackers to remotely execute arbitrary code using SMS messages. 8 different vulnerabilities were identified, 7 of...
  11. Father

    From SMS to Passkeys: Google makes It Easier to Set up two-factor authentication

    The corporation decided to make verification in its products even safer and faster. Introduces changes that will help simplify the activation of two-factor authentication (2FA) for users. Now, instead of entering your phone number first, you can immediately add a "second verification method" to...
  12. AllBlack

    AllBlackSMS | SMS bulk | SMS gateway | SMS spam | СМС рассылка

    AllBlackSMS | SMS BULK SERVICE 🚀 Looking for a solution to reduce costs but increase profits? Our SMS mailing service is your perfect partner! 💎 Premium SMS routes. We guarantee fast and reliable delivery. 📲 Any sender name. We work with any offers (casinos, phishing, crypto, etc.) 🌍 Over...
  13. Teacher

    Peer-to-peer SMS login to Telegram creates privacy risks

    Telegram, one of the most popular instant messengers in the world, introduced a new feature that caused heated discussions and concerns among users. The company offers a free premium subscription to those who agree to provide their phone number to send one-time SMS passwords to other people when...
  14. Teacher

    Новый фишинговый набор использует SMS, голосовые вызовы для таргетирования пользователей криптовалюты

    Был замечен новый фишинговый набор, выдающий себя за страницы входа в хорошо известные криптовалютные сервисы, как часть кластера атак, предназначенного в первую очередь для мобильных устройств. "Этот набор позволяет злоумышленникам создавать точные копии страниц единого входа (SSO), а затем...
  15. Chekon

    ⭐⭐⭐ Google Voice - OLD аккаунты "SMS и звонки" Gmail OLD⭐⭐⭐

    Доброго времени суток Друзья! 😎 В продаже аккаунты: Google Voice - Random State Old account 2019-2022 годов. Принимаю заказы так же под штаты. Google Voice - это американские виртуальные номера для бесплатных смс/звонков в США и Канаде. Подходят для Paypal, Ebay, Skrill, Amazon, Twitter...
  16. prozone


    Prozone The most needed carding shops and services in one project !!! ✅ CVV & DUMPS Tens of millions of stock makes us really biggest stock of the market. Varying quality of fresh sniff, hack, spam, etc. from first hands. The presence of the most modern validation methods (checkers) makes...
  17. Chekon

    ✅ - ⭐ Service for receiving SMS to real USA numbers "Non-VoIP, unlimited SMS, API" ⭐Price $0.4 per number⭐

    RU Сервис для получения SMS на реальные номера USA с операторами "Verizon, Att, Sprint, T-mobile" - (Non-VoIP). Адрес сервиса: Цена на оптовую покупку - 0,4$ за номер!!! Вы платите только за ПОДПИСКУ, SMS БЕЗЛИМ. Автономная круглосуточная работа 24 на 7. Прием SMS от...
  18. bushid0

    [Selling] LUXSMS Bulk sms

    LUXSMS hello, New service for spam sms, we provide private accounts for sending bulk SMS. Countries available: FR=0.11€ custom sender (not bank not operator) UK=0.12€ custom sender (not bank not operator) NL=0.12€ custom sender (not bank not operator) ES=0.12€ custom sender (not bank not...
  19. 2nd2N0NE

    Give Away free NonVoip Burner-Numbers

    Hey there! We just started a new online service that's core business is the hosting and distribution of NonVoip Numbers (Prepaid Sims hosted with Mini Sim Ports + API'nd stuff) also known as Burner-Numbers on which you can receive SMS Live online for anonymous account verification purposes or...
  20. virtualstorebot

    Telegram Bot Auto sales Google Voice, Gmail + SMS T-Mobile USA

    Telegram Bot Auto sales Google Voice, Gmail + SMS T-Mobile USA : @virtualstorebot, Different States Price Google Voice - 2.5$, Gmail - 0.3$, SMS from $ 1.25 Google Voice Format: email access : password : recovery email : phone number Bot accepts payment in BTC, ETH...