
  1. Father

    Password theft and change of settings: new D-Link bugs found in the CISA catalog

    CISA requires urgent action to protect critical infrastructure. The CISA added two new vulnerabilities of D-Link routers to its KEV catalog based on evidence of their active use. CSRF vulnerability CVE-2014-100005 affects D-Link DIR-600 routers and allows an attacker to change router...
  2. Teacher

    How to reset Android to factory settings

    Hello, running in the shadows! Hello, random carders. This article is for those who are just entering the world of cyberspace and digital technologies and are just beginning their dive to the depths. Go: The Android mobile operating system can be not only a convenient tool for performing...
  3. Mr. Robinson

    Настройка системы, смена id железа

    Здравствуйте, есть ли кака-та программа на подобие Cctols только с более расширенными настройками системы, потому что довольно часто слышу про задроченность железа, ведь невозможно бить постоянно с одного железа. Или какой способ решения данной проблемы, так как я работаю с основы и это...
  4. PC settings for carding

    PC settings for carding

  5. Setting up DNS on PC. Proxifier + System Settings.

    Setting up DNS on PC. Proxifier + System Settings.
