
  1. Teacher

    Easy Business Rules

    Salute, anatomists, success – the concept is relative and purely personal. Each person perceives it completely differently. In this article, I will share my view on successful and correct business management and, in fact, on success in general. The path to success is an arbitrary line, along...
  2. Lord777

    Golden rules of dialogue with difficult people

    1. Before any contact, it is necessary to tune, like tuning an instrument before a concert. Take a stable position - sit or stand so that you feel support, balance. Speak from an adult position - only what you are sure of and what is important to you, keep in mind what you entered into a...
  3. Lord777

    ? Good Carder Personal Discipline Rules

    Every self-respecting person knows that on the way to success, self-education is the main rule. After all, without self-discipline it is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile. Discipline is what makes it possible to go forward even when there is no desire. In this article, you will learn...
  4. Lord777

    5 simple rules for telegram account security

    Although Telegram is a well-protected messenger - there was not a single leak or suspicion of cooperation with special services - there is always a human factor. To accurately protect yourself from account hijacking or theft of valuable data, follow these tips: 1. Urgently enable two-factor...
  5. Mutt

    40 shady carder rules

    Do not be lazy. If you have set for yourself the goal of making money by any means - go to it no matter what. Everyone wants to rest, relax, however, so that you can afford rest, you must first work fruitfully. Do not be greedy. You don't need to get hung up on money, you need to earn it calmly...
  6. Carding Forum

    Bank transfer. Rules and methods.

    The manual provides a description of transfers between bank accounts. Methods are also sounded. Described the tools and necessary information for 100% discharge or filling. Suitable for experienced, but for beginners for general information. The first thing you are going to need is banking...