
  1. Tomcat

    Tricky tricks in psychology that are useful for everyone to know

    1. When several people in a group laugh, everyone instinctively looks at the one they like best. Or a person whom he would like to consider close. 2. If you are nervous and have a responsible task ahead of you, chew gum. This way you can calm down, because subconsciously the moment of eating is...
  2. Tomcat

    Psychology of real carding

    Let's look at installing a skimmer, namely how to behave at an ATM. I think that there can be 2 models of behavior. The first is that I picked the moment when there was no one at the ATM, thoughtfully looked around, did my dirty little business and left. The second one is an impudent person, he...
  3. Tomcat

    The psychology of persuasion: learning from scammers, politicians and salesmen

    Picasso argued that “art is a lie that tells the truth,” writer Ursula Le Guin admitted that “deception is the novelist’s bread,” and Marlon Brando once said, “If you If you know how to lie, you can be an actor.” The work of any storyteller, marketer or copywriter largely consists of persuasion...
  4. Tomcat

    The psychology of deception, or how to get scammed out of money

    Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap... Folk wisdom Nowadays, the world of fraud is very vast, diverse and varied. Almost every day new and sophisticated ways of deceiving gullible citizens appear. Anyone, even a very mediocre swindler, knows that each person has his own so-called...
  5. Tomcat


    CHAPTER I. GENERAL VIEW OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE CARDER 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES OF CARDERS In order to fully understand the characteristics of carder behavior, it is necessary to take into account that it, like any other behavior, is heterogeneous. This behavior includes types that, in addition...
  6. Tomcat

    The psychology of phishing: how carders use psychological techniques to deceive users and how to resist them

    Tamara Chechetkina, head of marketing for information security VK, told KP.RU how to avoid becoming a victim of carders. Any phishing attack is based on carding methods of psychological influence on a person. Whatever technical implementation the carders choose, they always strive to ensure...
  7. Tomcat

    Psychology of carding: we think like carders and don’t get caught

    We have all at least once received strange messages from “children”, calls from a “senior lieutenant” or from a “courier”. Some of them we ignored, but some we didn’t and lost money because there were carders on the other side. Anyone can fall for their bait; it does not depend on education...
  8. Tomcat

    Psychology of carding 2024

    As we could see from the previous analysis, carding is a complex phenomenon, which, in addition to legal qualifications, has at least: - its own dynamic structure, composition of persons, their actions, interactions and reactions; - idea or plan, plan (scenario) of carding action and purpose; -...
  9. Tomcat

    Psychology of Stealing. Now let’s look at the criterion of awareness.

    1. Conscious theft. It interests us to a lesser extent. This is done by professional thieves. Depending on the scale of the crime, it is carefully planned. Here everything happens like in sex. There is an ideation stage, when the thought arises that it is still worth stealing. Then comes the...
  10. Tomcat

    The psychology of theft...

    If we take as a basis such a strict understanding that any manifestation of injustice on earth originates initially from theft, then the subject of our consideration, as such, the thief, turns into a generalizing category, therefore it is possible to study this phenomenon. To discuss further...
  11. Tomcat

    Why carders steal: looking into the depths of psychology

    Why do carders steal? This is not only a matter of morality, but also a frankly psychological mystery that requires deep understanding. In this article we will go into the depths of the human psyche and try to figure out what motivates carders to steal. The content of the article: 1. Why...
  12. Brother

    Camp psychology: human processing in death factories

    The task of the Nazi concentration camps was to destroy the person. Those who were less fortunate were destroyed physically, those who were "more" - morally. Even the name of the person ceased to exist here. Instead, there was only an identification number, which even the prisoner himself called...
  13. Brother

    The psychology of money

    About the relationship of a person with one of the main components of his life today - money - there are many opinions and points of view. Of course, first of all, this concerns financial literacy, because it is it that makes people not just spenders, mindlessly spending their hard earned money...
  14. Brother

    Criminal psychology

    Have you ever wondered why people commit crimes, what motivates them to break the law? We think that at least you had similar thoughts, at least while watching popular detective series. Meanwhile, there are people who are studying this problem professionally. There is even a special area of...
  15. Tomcat

    What is influence psychology?

    There are people who cannot be denied. They don't seem to do anything special, they don't come with grandiose ideas, they don't slip into persuasion or blackmail, they don't even violate personal boundaries, but it's impossible to refuse them without feeling guilty. These people masterfully...
  16. Teacher

    Operational psychology

    Further from the author's words: The first thing I want to focus on is the question of controlling your emotions. After all, it is no secret that there is nothing more important than to hide from the enemy (just the interlocutor) your feelings, your reaction, certain events. And those who know...
  17. Teacher

    Nonverbal psychology: gestures, postures, movements

    I found a very useful article for you to improve your SE. Further from the author's words: We will talk about nonverbal psychology (communication without words). This will be useful for any contacts with the society. - Imagine that you are talking to a person and want to receive a certain...
  18. Lord777

    10 examples of how carding psychology can improve your life

    How to use psychology in everyday life? Do you think psychology is needed only for students, professors and psychotherapists? Don't jump to conclusions. The fact that psychology is both an applied and a theoretical discipline allows it to find many applications. Despite the fact that for the...
  19. Lord777

    The psychology of obedience and free will

    I obey and obey: what are people capable of who voluntarily transfer power over themselves to someone else. We want to believe that behind the terrible pages in the history of mankind - wars, mass terror, genocide - there is someone completely different from us: supervillains, demons ... in...
  20. Lord777

    The Psychology of Optimal Experience or do carding for fun

    There is a great saying: "Make your hobby work and you won't have to work a single day." You don't have to force yourself to watch an interesting series. Meanwhile, for the brain it is still some kind of work - processing visual information, decoding audio, reading the emotions of characters...