programming languages

  1. Tomcat

    Find out which programming languages are gaining popularity and why JavaScript remains the undefeated leader

    Over the past two years, the Rust programming language has shown unprecedented growth rates, and the number of developers using this language has doubled. However, according to a recent survey, JavaScript retains its leading position and remains the most popular programming language, with 25.2...
  2. Father

    Why do cybercriminals use some programming languages more often than others

    Programming languages are an important tool for cyber attacks. We'll tell you what makes PowerShell, Bash, and JavaScript attractive to cybercriminals, what is the secret to the popularity of C / C++, and how to avoid becoming a victim of malicious Python applications. Introduction What...
  3. Teacher

    White House calls for abandonment of C and C++ programming languages

    The Biden administration is demanding a transition to secure programming languages. The Office of the National Director for Cybersecurity (ONCD) of the US White House, as part of a report on ways to reduce the number of vulnerabilities in projects and the possibility of improving software...