
  1. Tomcat

    Чип и PIN: что такое ARQC?

    Что такое ARQC? Предполагается, что каждый запрос транзакции EMV содержит ARQC, который представляет собой криптограмму, созданную на основе данных транзакции. В контексте EMV криптограмму можно рассматривать как цифровую подпись финансовой транзакции. Действительная, проверяемая криптограмма...
  2. Tomcat

    Personal Identification Number (PIN). Secret key, access code.

    An analogue of a handwritten signature, presented in the form of a numerical-alphabetic sequence, a closed requisite of the Client, Agent, Participant of the Electronic Payment System. Content: 2020: Research into the security of four- and six-digit PIN codes 2019: Method of stealing PIN codes...
  3. Tomcat

    Carders have learned to decipher PIN codes

    Experts continue to be amazed at how hackers manage to begin the practical use of methods that a year ago were considered only theoretically possible, and only in a narrow academic environment. Now they have learned to remove PIN codes from our cards without directly entering the ATM we use. To...
  4. Tomcat

    When is a PIN requested during payment?

    I noticed that people often talk about the reasons for not requesting a PIN code, or, on the contrary, they are surprised why it was suddenly required. Trying to explain in what situations a PIN code is needed, I got confused and decided to collect data and write an article. Theory Let's look...
  5. A

    How to use Dumps with Pin (Cloned Cards)

    Read carefully How to use Dumps with Pin CLONED CARDS Dumps with Pin is a really great way to invest your money to make Great profits, but to start making great profits you must know how to use Dumps+Pin! When you buy aDump with pin, each piece comes with the track2 and the Pin to that...
  6. V


    Hello all. I was wondering about something. I mainly deal in gift cards, as they are safer. But, theres a technique in gift card botting that i think could be a game changer. And render everything else useless. We call them 'phone bots' in the gift card botting scence. These are bots which use...
  7. Poisonjuoice

    Dumps Pin Info

    Hi guys, I have a question, writing track 2 and 1 on chip card, when I buy in stores, I would like to know how it works, do I have to insert a fake one when I write the card right? In my country the shops with pos only with stripe do not exist more' Thanks
  8. R

    Dumps 101/201 - CLoned Cards

    PURCHASING QUALITY IS BETTER THAN PURCHASING QUANTITY. I have dumps only with ORIGINAL TRACK1+TRACK2. Approval rate very high, I sell only good dumps. I sell only high quality dumps and they will work good. COUNTRY DUMPS AVAILABLE -USA -EU -CA NB:-STRICTLY USA AND EU. PRICE LIST USA(101)...
  9. Jollier


    Наиболее распространенные форматы PIN-блоков основаны на ISO 9564, но многие другие форматы внедрены во всем мире. Другая распространенная проблема заключается в том, что одни и те же методы вычисления PIN-блоков вызываются с их псевдонимами, что иногда затрудняет выбор правильного. В этой...
  10. Carding

    Personal Identification Number (PIN)

    What Is a Personal Identification Number (PIN)? A personal identification number (PIN) is a numerical code used in many electronic financial transactions. Personal identification numbers are usually issued in association with payment cards and may be required to complete a transaction. The...
  11. D

    Scam: - CC Dumps Shop. Buy credit card, cvv, cc, pin. 2020

    Contacts: Official site: You can send us a message via Wickr: OFFICIAL TELEGRAM CHANNEL: Or telegram: @dumpsto ICQ: 832011 Jabber: [email protected] email: [email protected] -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: BCPG C#...
  12. C


    CREDIT CARD CVV: 100% full refund money if not satisfied. Payment BTC, Perfectmoney, Webmoney! USA Credit Card CVV $4.00 - $125.00 United States cc pack with cvv. Include holder first name, last name, credit card number, cvv, valid date, address and phone, bank name. Good for shopping. Cards...
  13. cbaron


    IRS EFILE FULLS WITH PIN $20 includes name/dob/ssn/address/tel/irs pin/filing status to verify pin> satisfaction guaranteed (any problem, i replace) only accept LR and contact via ICQ welcome ur biz & feedback!
  14. R


    Нужны cc+pin, у кого есть, отпишите пм.
  15. iamback

    Adding Pinrecorder to Pos Machine

    Hi, Well I'm back to carding after 3 years now!! My Money fuel tank is getting low now... Okay, I need someone to guide/make me a Pin recorder placed under the POS machine keypads, So that when customer enters his pin , it gets record. i don't care if it records to the machine or not, I can...
  16. E

    DIY: Re-loadable Debit Cards

  17. S

    Selling Prepaid Debit Cards With Pin

  18. R


    CASHOUT SERVICE DUMPS+PIN Hi to all bro's in ( I ALSO CASHOUT DUMPS ) As a new register on board, as i stay in Canada i offer a new service of CashOut D+P at ATM. Like u know its so easy here cause ATM read only mag stripe. (some of them ) Cash can be send the same day by...
  19. Lucy

    Chip + Pin Implementation

    Well, chip + pin is not easy to defraud. What will you do when it gets implemented all over the world ? Eventually it will. :) I have seen some white hat presentations of bypassing it but still not very convinced if it will be useful for the blackhat scene.
  20. $

    Who Needs Nikkin's Fake Pos

    Looking for someone who needs Nikkon's fake pos. I can't skim so i want to buy is for anyone who needs it so i can have 50% of the person's share of the pin