
  1. Man

    Pentest Info for Hackers

    1. To collect information: - Ports and services are used that allow the pentester to obtain information about the system, network, or services running on the target host. - **Ports:** - **ping:** icmp – check host availability. - **ssh:** 22, 2222, 10022 – scan for an SSH server. -...
  2. XpenSupport

    We are the XPEN team — We need more targets

    📈 We are the XPEN team — We need more targets We extract the databases, Develop the skools, work with xss, conduct an osint, make our own calls, get web access of any complexity. One of the strongest and most experienced web pentester teams is ready to take your orders! Motives for XPEN...
  3. Tomcat

    Топ-10 важнейших результатов Pentest 2024: что вам нужно знать

    Один из наиболее эффективных способов для специалистов в области информационных технологий выявить слабые места компании до того, как это сделают плохие парни, - это тестирование на проникновение. Имитируя реальные кибератаки, тестирование на проникновение, иногда называемое pentests, дает...
  4. Father

    Pentest from scratch: how to prepare and choose a contractor

    While some hackers attack Russian companies outside the law, others work legally and even receive money from victims. Such "intruders" are engaged in a pentest – a penetration test. Recently, the service has become particularly popular among businesses in Russia. Read in this article: what is a...
  5. Brother

    PolarDNS: a new free DNS server for vulnerability research and pentest

    Will the tool play on the hackers side? Oryxlabs has developed a new free Python 3.x DNS server for cybersecurity and pentesting research, called PolarDNS. The server allows you to generate fully customizable DNS responses for testing various aspects of the DNS protocol, including server-side...
  6. Lord777

    How to make a hacker iPhone or iPad (Pentest on iOS)

    Content 1 How to make a hacker iPhone or iPad 1.1 iOS Jailbreak 1.2 Cydia 1.3 MobSF 1.4 Frida 1.5 Objection 1.6 Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 1.7 Grapefruit 2 Conclusion We told you how to make a hacker smartphone using Termux and Kali Linux. That article was about Android. Today I'll show...
  7. Carding 4 Carders

    What is a pentest?

    What is a pentest? Pentest - penetration testing, analysis of network infrastructure, company servers, or applications for vulnerabilities. The purpose of this analysis is to find vulnerabilities and create possible attack vectors, simulating the actions of a real attacker. After testing, a...
  8. Carder

    Combat Linux. Overview of the most powerful distributions for pentests and OSINT.

    Building your own collection of hacker tools is great, but now it's customary to use one of the specialized distributions as a basis. This is usually Kali, but we will look at not only it, but also other distras for pentest, sometimes no less effective, and in some areas even more useful. There...
  9. Carder

    ? The Pentester BluePrint: Starting a Career as an Ethical Hacker 2020-12-29

    ? The Pentester BluePrint: Your Guide to Being a Pentester offers readers a chance to delve deeply into the world of the ethical, or "white-hat" hacker. Accomplished pentester and author Phillip L. W. and cybersecurity researcher Kim C. walk you through the basic and advanced topics necessary to...
  10. Carder

    Hands-On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter 2020-12-28

    February 28, 2019 ? Detailed description of the book ? VT
  11. Carding

    Awesome hacking. Exploiting.

    Сегодня перед тобой будет представлен большой список инструментов. Инструменты которые будут представлены в подборке, активно используются на практике при проведении пентестов: Exploiting: • AttackSurfaceAnalyzer ( • Bashfuscator...
  12. Carding

    Awesome hacking. Fuzzing, MITM.

    Fuzzing: • AFL++ ( • AndroFuzz ( • Boofuz ( • Construct ( • Deepstate ( • Driller...
  13. Carding

    Awesome hacking. Info Gathering. Port Scanning. Password Cracking. Wireless.

    Info Gathering: • ATSCAN ( • Bluto ( • Bundler-audit ( • Cloudflare_enum ( • Commando-vm...
  14. Carding

    Awesome hacking. Post Exploitation.

    Post Exploitation: • 3snake ( • Apfell ( • Backdoorme ( • CatTails ( • Cloudy-kraken...