
  1. Teacher

    Jailbreak for Gemini: how to hack Google's big language model?

    Researchers have identified fatal security flaws that allow you to abuse the capabilities of a popular AI solution. In a recent report by HiddenLayer, researchers identified a number of vulnerabilities in Google's large Gemini language model. Vulnerabilities pose a very real security risk and...
  2. BigBeast

    Carding tools for Jailbroken iphone?

    I am looking for apps for jailbroken iphone which are used for carding like changing useragent,webrtc etc. Currently i have app for fake GPS,jailbreak hider app.
  3. Brother

    Jailbreak published for all iOS devices with chips from A5 to A11

    Today, an information security researcher known by the pseudonym axi0mX has published a jailbreak for almost any Apple device with chips from A5 to A11, released between 2011 and 2017. That is, jailbreak is relevant for models from iPhone 4S to iPhone 8 and X. It cannot be used remotely - you...
  4. Father

    How to jailbreak an iPhone. We analyze step by step all the options for accessing data of devices with iOS.

    In this article, we'll take a closer look at what's going on with the iPhone in the forensic lab. We will find out how realistic it is to hack the protection of iOS of different versions and what is needed for this in different cases. We have already described several aspects of this process...