
  1. Tomcat

    A Brief History of ATMs: How Automation Changed the Retail Banking Sector

    At first, when I talk about my interest in ATMs, my interlocutor's eyes glaze over. But then, when I explain why I think their role is important, many people begin to remember their stories related to them. A chance meeting in line, or the fear of being robbed in an unfamiliar place, or the...
  2. Tomcat

    History of the formation of an ATM

    Selling people the idea of a machine that spits out money was clearly not easy. But one day a weather event occurred that greatly contributed to the acceptance of ATMs as useful devices for society. 14% - the volume of transactions made using cash or checks in 2022, according to a study by...
  3. Tomcat

    A brief history of microchip payment cards

    In the previous part, we talked about the history of the magnetic stripe payment card. In this article we will continue our story. But we will now talk about plastic cards with built-in chips and other promising technologies in this area. The real patent race began when the idea of adapting a...
  4. Lord777

    A brief history of passwords from antiquity to the present day

    Despite the fact that Microsoft has been actively promoting the concept of a "passwordless future" for many years, it is still difficult to believe in the amazing new world. Could there be something more unshakable and permanent than checking "friend or foe" using a code word? We figure out how...