
  1. Tomcat

    Psychological portrait of a fraudster: what kind of person is he?

    According to statistics, fraud ranks first among crimes. Sadly. But more and more people are resorting to this method of earning money. Who are these people? What are they? Why will some never do this, when for others it almost becomes a way of life? Let's figure it out. Qualities of scammers...
  2. Tomcat

    Kramatorsk police officers exposed a bank fraudster who deceived people all over Ukraine

    An attacker disguised as a bank employee convinced citizens that their accounts were being hacked and offered a "protective" algorithm. As a result, the attacker was enriched by more than 146 thousand hryvnias. Operatives and investigators have established that a 25-year-old resident of one of...
  3. Tomcat

    A man lost about 600 thousand dollars in cryptocurrency due to a fraudster from a dating site

    The US authorities appealed to the court to confiscate Tether (USDT) in the amount of almost 200 thousand dollars, which are stored on the Binance crypto exchange. This lawsuit is related to a fraud case, as a result of which the man lost more than a million dollars. This is stated in the...
  4. Father

    In the Irkutsk region, police published a recording of a conversation with a fraudster who gave law enforcement officers the data of her courier

    Having promised quick earnings and using citizens for their illegal purposes, telephone scammers call the police on duty and transmit information about their accomplices. Such a case was registered in the Irkutsk region. The woman who called the helpline number called herself a fraudster and...
  5. Teacher

    Ten-million fine for spam: the American fraudster faced a tough court decision

    Will the life of a phone bully be enough to pay off a debt to the state? A U.S. federal court has imposed a $ 9,918,000 fine and issued an activity ban to an individual named Scott Rhodes for making thousands of fake automated robocalls to residents of the United States. Robocalls are...
  6. Teacher

    In St. Petersburg, a fraudster was caught buying a car on credit using fake documents

    The St. Petersburg police, together with the KLYUCHAVTO corporate security Service, identified and stopped attempts to steal cars from dealerships for sale on the black market. One of the scammers was arrested. The criminals acted as follows. A member of an organized criminal group used forged...
  7. Teacher

    The fraudster called Ukrainians on behalf of the telecom operator and issued loans to them

    Thus, the defendant deceived two citizens and a limited liability company for more than 200 thousand hryvnias. Law enforcement officers found that the suspect called the victims, and posing as an employee of one of the mobile operators, received their personal data. In the future, the attacker...
  8. Teacher

    Cyber police officers exposed a fraudster from the Ternopil region

    In the summer, the police of the Ternopil region detained an attacker who beat a serviceman and took away his weapon. The attacker was taken into custody, and computer equipment was seized at his place of residence during the search. The cyber police of the Ternopil region, together with the...
  9. Brother

    TLO Service: how a fraudster sold a secret database of debtors

    The investigation revealed a simple and budget-friendly way to find out everything about your neighbors. In a joint investigation of the portals 404 Media and Court Watch, it is reported that the authorities of the state of Baltimore, USA, accused a man of running a service for quick and cheap...
  10. Brother

    Native voice on the phone? Most likely, this is a fraudster.

    The Central Bank of Russia warned about a new way to deceive citizens. The Central Bank of Russia has warned that fraudsters have begun to use a new method of deceiving citizens. They get in touch with potential victims on behalf of their relatives, friends or colleagues, imitating their voices...
  11. Brother

    The fraudster pretended to be good: how Royal and Akira victims were double-crossed

    The victims were promised full recovery of the stolen data, but it was not so easy. Victims of the Royal and Akira ransomware were attacked by a fraudster posing as a cybersecurity researcher. The attacker promised to hack the servers of the original attackers and delete the stolen data. Royal...
  12. Lord777

    Deceived a citizen through a dating site: metropolitan investigators reported suspicion to a fraudster

    Having created an account under the guise of a woman, the attacker communicated with the victim for a long time on the Internet and cheated for money. The fraudster was found to be involved in 11 episodes of fraudulent actions. Now he faces up to three years in prison. The call center of the...
  13. Lord777

    In Cherkasy region, the police exposed a "cryptocurrency" fraudster

    A 38-year-old Uman resident applied to the Zvenigorod police department. The woman said that she was looking for a part-time job in order to have funds for the restoration of the apartment. She came across an attractive ad on the Internet that talked about the possibility of quickly improving...
  14. Lord777

    A fraudster in a social network added friends to a woman and pretended to be a military man from Syria

    The victim believed, followed all his instructions and, as a result, lost money. She went to the police when she realized that she was a victim of fraudsters. As employees of the police department No. 4 in Zalishchiki established, a foreigner who introduced himself as a military man from Syria...
  15. Lord777

    An annoying fraudster tried to call a Beeline subscriber 1145 times in 7 minutes

    In total, in October, the operator recorded over 34 thousand attempts of fraudulent calls. In October, Beeline's anti-fraud system protected more than 34,000 subscribers from phone fraudsters. However, one of the attackers showed unusual persistence and tried to call the subscriber 1145 times...
  16. Carding 4 Carders

    A fraudster who introduced herself as a police officer swindled 35,000 euros from a resident of Pärnu

    The report of the crime was received by the police on October 16, the Liaoning Prefecture said. A woman living in Pärnu said that in early October she was contacted via WhatsApp by a Russian-speaking woman who introduced herself as a police officer. She claimed that the bank was contacted by a...
  17. Carding 4 Carders

    The police detained a fraudster who lured the mother of the deceased military 7.5 million hryvnia

    Law enforcement officers detained one of the organizers of a fraudulent scheme, according to which scammers lured the mother of the deceased serviceman 7.5 million hryvnia, which she received as monetary assistance from the state. Operatives of the Main Directorate of the National Police in...
  18. CarderPlanet

    The fraudster received 500 thousand shekels from Bituach Leumi, pretending to be seriously ill

    The woman posed as a terminally ill patient to get help. Elinor Asraf, a previously convicted professional fraudster, deceived law enforcement and avoided prosecution by faking her terminal illness. This is reported by Channel 12. So, a number of criminal investigations were previously...
  19. CarderPlanet

    Ministry of Justice exposes Nigerian BEC fraudster

    Now the would-be criminal will answer for himself and all his cybercriminals. A Nigerian man extradited to the United States was recently found guilty of participating in a fraudulent scheme to compromise corporate email (BEC attack) for many millions of dollars. Kosi Gudness Simon-Ebo, 29...
  20. Carding

    In the Ternopil region, a fraudster issued loans for citizens for almost half a million hryvnia

    Cyber police exposed a 20-year-old resident of the regional center. The attacker fraudulently obtained information to log in to the online banking of trusting citizens and issued loans on behalf of victims. Using the obtained confidential data, the enterprising man made out online loans, and...