
  1. CarderPlanet

    Perception of money as energy

    The fundamental idea for thinking about money as energy is that it is always a mediated element. You don't have to prioritize money and work just for that. This is appropriate if you are a merchant. Merchants can, for example, work in network marketing, invest, trade on the stock exchange, and...
  2. Lord777

    The science of hammering: how to learn not to waste energy on empty thoughts

    During one of his famous speeches, Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti asked the audience if they wanted to know his secret. Those present in the hall became quiet and leaned forward. "You know," he said, "I just don't give a damn more often than not." Of course he didn't say that. According...
  3. Lord777

    How is energy spent and how to accumulate it

    The main causes of energy loss at the level of the physical body are: - Energy-wasting postures: stoop, hunched over or excessive looseness in the position of the body. - Diseases, especially chronic and accompanied by pain or any other negative effects. - Unconscious muscle clamps. - Sharp...
  4. Lord777

    ⚡️ 7 ways to save energy until the end of the day

    If by lunchtime you are counting the hours and minutes until the end of the day, and then fall off your feet and you are not enough for anything else, take note of these life hacks. ? 1. Love what you do Even if you understand that work is just a source of income for you, look for something...