
  1. Friend

    Аудио-ским на Diebold. Обнал дампов.

    В посах как в Ашане есть обход три раза вставляете обратной стороной не чипом а пластиком, после третьей ошибки картинка на дисплее меняется на провести магнитной ленто проводите и не смотря на то что карта с чипом покупка пройдёт. Методы анонимности думаю знает, маска, очки одежда с помойки...
  2. PlraX

    Need Vouch Please

    Some one can vouch for me in C.SU?. some user knowme and know i am a good guy
  3. M

    I have NCR green round looking for pinpad

    Anyone??? Escrow only :)
  4. I


    Hi guys... I'am looking for a DIEBOLD OPTEVA skimmer, with integrated GUMCAM + battery. FLASH reader (no audio) ! I also buy parts (Like if you have only the mold, only the gumcam+batery etc) I only DEAL WITH ESCROW so serious seller O N L Y dont waste my time. I have a budget of 4500.00$...
  5. Noire

    All about skimmer, Reader, Cam, Molds and battery

    Enjoy the picture!!!:) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/p30091122.jpg/
  6. C

    USB/AUDIO - atm skimmer + hidden cam kit *ready to use* (Diebold/Wincor/Ncr)

    oops delet did not read new rules
  7. Noire

    Wincor, NCR selfserv, Diebold 2.5k only

    crazy price for skimmer just 2.5k ready to work (assembled) Limited time offer, come with read interrupted reader smaller than 007. Our bezel and reader are highest quality in the market, For more details please refer to my old thread and I accept escrow. Custom made all models usually takes 2...
  8. O

    Ripper th3rd 640647423

    th3rd his post his icq 640647423 http://carder.market/showthread.php?t=41197&highlight=diebold story goes like this, we made a deal for 835lr,when i opted for escrow he raised price for 935,which i accepted and sent the payment to ninja, the next day after contacting him he gave me a excuse...
  9. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    update -- 9-26-12 >>> UPDATED AND NEW NCR MODELS AVAILABLE -- Check them out BELOW >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>> Diebold Audio Now Available Quality PRODUCT ((ROI)) guaranteed...
  10. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD SKIMMER- ( Complete with camkit -Ready to Work)
