ddos attacks

  1. Man

    The FSB detained a resident of Moscow who staged DDoS attacks during the elections

    RIA Novosti reports a message from the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region about the detention of a Moscow resident for participating in DDoS attacks on the IP addresses of one of the Internet providers in the Moscow region using software developed by Ukrainian hackers. The attacks were carried...
  2. Man

    300 thousand DDoS attacks: GorillaBot crushes the network space

    Tens of thousands of organizations are not at all prepared for the new Internet threat. A new wave of attacks using a modified variant of Mirai called GorillaBot caused more than 300,000 DDoS attacks, which affected about 20,000 organizations around the world in September this year. In about...
  3. Tomcat

    Rapid Reset: hackers found a way to make the most powerful DDoS attacks

    The ease of operation of CVE-2023-44487 makes it a high-priority target for cybercriminals. In August 2023, a critical vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol, known as CVE-2023-44487 or Rapid Reset, was identified. This vulnerability, which can cause denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, has become a...
  4. Tomcat

    Rebirth: a new botnet for DDoS attacks on game servers

    Did your ping jump? Perhaps one of your rivals is a latent cyber villain. In today's digital world, where online games occupy a significant place in the lives of many people, cybercrime does not stand still. One of the most common types of attacks on game servers is DDoS attacks. These attacks...
  5. Tomcat

    Russian universities under siege: a wave of DDoS attacks hit sites before the admission campaign

    Ruthless hackers are trying to ruin the future of applicants. Solar specialists note a significant increase in the number of DDoS attacks on the resources of federal universities, starting from mid-May 2024. Compared to May 2023, the number of attacks increased by 2.5 times, and compared to the...
  6. Father

    UDP flood lost ground: IP fragmented flood is the new king of DDoS attacks

    Qrator Labs has submitted a quarterly report on DDoS attacks for 2024. Qrator Labs has published a report "Overview of DDoS attacks by vectors in absolute and mixed values" for the first quarter of 2024. Experts have improved the method of collecting data on Internet threats, focusing only on...
  7. Father

    DDoS attacks: evolution and prospects of the "main caliber" of hacker attacks

    The world of information security has enough references to the Wild West. For example, the same division of hackers into Black and White Hat, which came from westerns: villains always wear black hats, and good guys – white. Continuing this analogy, we can say that DDoS is a revolver that...
  8. Father

    How DDoS attacks changed in 2024

    Over the past few years, not only the number of DDoS attacks has increased, but also their duration. What is a DDoS attack was learned by representatives of those areas that just a couple of years ago did not know about this phenomenon. So, we can recall the wave of DDoS attacks at the end of...
  9. Father

    Botnet in every home: Hackers Once again enslave TP-Link routers for DDoS Attacks

    A year-old vulnerability continues to add to the inventory of cybercriminals. Informs Fortinet that attackers continue to exploit a year-old vulnerability in TP-Link routers, adding routers to various botnets to conduct DDoS attacks. The command injection vulnerability CVE-2023-1389 (CVSS...
  10. Father

    State Duma deputy: VPN services can make you an accomplice in DDoS attacks

    Anton Nemkin warns about the risks of using anonymous networks. Internet users who use VPN services may unwittingly become participants in criminal schemes. This was stated by State Duma deputy Anton Nemkin. According to the MP, scammers actively exploit VPN technologies to involve users in...
  11. Father

    CVE-2024-21894: Ivanti products are once again drowning in RCE and DoS attacks

    When will the company finally be able to overcome the black band and make its decisions safer? More than 16,500 of Ivanti's Internet-accessible Connect Secure and Policy Secure gateways are at risk due to a high-level vulnerability that allows remote code execution (RCE) and denial-of-service...
  12. Teacher

    An unprecedented barrage of DDoS attacks hit the French government

    What caused the incident and how local specialists managed to restore access. Cyberattacks of "unprecedented intensity" have been recorded in a number of French government organizations, the Prime Minister's office said on March 11. The attacks began on the evening of March 10 and, although...
  13. Teacher

    Hackers cracked GeoIP: DDoS attacks from "their" networks are becoming a new trend

    A Russian IP address is no longer a security guarantee. A new report from Qrator Labs, which specializes in network security, provides an analysis of the situation with DDoS attacks on the Russian IT infrastructure for 2023. The study revealed that hackers have learned to successfully bypass...
  14. CarderPlanet

    DDoS attacks: An unexpected enemy for Destiny 2 players

    Who will win the battle for Destiny 2? The game Destiny 2 is experiencing one of the most severe crises in its history. And it's not about players complaining about boring seasons or broken loot. During the week, the game became almost inaccessible due to DDoS attacks, which was confirmed by...
  15. Dettlaff

    Rent a panel for DDoS attacks | Free tests - Аренда панели для проведения DDoS атак | Бесплатные тесты

    Приветствую всех пользователей чёрного интернета! Представляю вашему вниманию свой новый проект: Аренда панели для проведения DDoS атак. Чаще всего DDoS атаки используются для сокращения конкуренции в онлайн-бизнесе. Чем меньше будет предложений на рынке, тем выше вероятность того, что клиент...
  16. Tomcat

    Hackers break into access control systems in buildings and use them for DDoS attacks

    SonicWall experts warned of a wave of attacks on smart access control systems in buildings, which cybercriminals then use to organize DDoS attacks. The researchers explain that the attacks target Linear eMerge E3 devices manufactured by Nortek Security & Control. These are the so-called "access...
  17. Tomcat

    DDOS Attacks and Hackers

    Well, usually a few men gather in a dark room that is illuminated only by the light from the screens, or a cheap neon. Mandatory attributes: everyone in the room must wear a Guy Fawkes mask, because we are for complete anonymity. The dress code is dark jeans and a plain hoodie. And for the...
  18. Carder

    DDoS Attacks: Evolution, Detection, Prevention, Reaction, and Tolerance 2020-12-28

    Hacking and Penetration Testing Book
  19. Carding

    DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service)

    DDoS attack is a hacker attack on a website, the main task of which is to lead to a denial of service, in which the interaction of users with services and sites will be difficult or impossible. It differs from a DoS attack in that it is carried out from multiple devices and addresses at once...