data loss

  1. Father

    What's worse: a ban or data loss? Cheat Lab virus attacks gamers.

    "Share with a friend and get the full version for free" - social engineering in all its glory. Cybersecurity researchers at McAfee discovered a new type of malware that can steal sensitive information from infected computers. This virus, which belongs to the family of the well-known infostealer...
  2. Teacher

    TimbreStealer: Tax evasion in Mexico is now penalized by data loss

    Who needs such exclusivity in the origin of the victims? Cisco Talos reports that since the beginning of November 2023, Mexican users have been the target of a phishing campaign that spreads a new malware for Windows called TimbreStealer. The phishing campaign uses decoy documents related to...
  3. Carding

    Data Loss

    What Is Data Loss? Data loss occurs when valuable or sensitive information on a computer is compromised due to theft, human error, viruses, malware, or power failure. It may also occur due to physical damage or mechanical failure or equipment of an edifice. The biggest reasons for data loss...