
  1. Tomcat

    Vladimir Yevtushenkov and Yuri Maksimov launch a joint venture in the field of cybersecurity

    The new company will be engaged in product development and develop the service business. Vladimir Yevtushenkov, founder and largest shareholder of Sistema, and Yuri Maksimov, founder of the Group Positiv holding, plans to establish a joint venture in the field of cybersecurity. This company...
  2. Tomcat

    True horror: cybersecurity in the automotive industry

    The auto industry took its first step into the digital age back in 1967, when the Volkswagen Typ 3 was released in Germany with the D-Jetronic electronic injection system from Bosch. Today, computer systems control almost all functions of most cars - from engine operating modes to windshield...
  3. Tomcat

    Cybersecurity specialists have created a skimmer detector – SkimReaper

    This is what an anti-skimmer developed by representatives of the University of Florida looks like. A researcher from the University of Floridapresented the results of his large-scale project to develop skimmer detection systems at the USENIX Security Symposium. We are talking about spy readers...
  4. Father

    IntelBroker hacked the cybersecurity giant and put the obtained data up for sale

    Confidential logins, SMTP access, password keys, certificates, and much more were stolen. In the information space, there were reports of a serious cyber incident. The hacker, known under the pseudonym "IntelBroker", claims that he managed to penetrate the systems of one of the world's leading...
  5. Father

    10 of the largest U.S. cybersecurity companies

    Employees work from home, and many of them do it all the time. Apps are moving to the cloud at an accelerated pace. Today, corporate security is all about secure remote access and protecting cloud resources. This means that enterprises need to deploy SD-WAN, Secure Access Service Boundary...
  6. Father

    EDR systems as an example of the development of cybersecurity tools

    Malicious systems and technologies of cyber attacks appear quite often. Every month, new vulnerabilities are identified in different products, information appears about new ways to attack companies ' IT infrastructure, and new malware and other hacking software are created. The development of...
  7. Father

    Cybersecurity risk insurance

    Insurance has long been a common practice in global cybersecurity practices. Cyber risk insurance services are provided by both specialized companies and large international insurance organizations. At the same time, the practice of cyber insurance in Russia is quite rare, despite the presence...
  8. Father

    Slacker or Superhacker: Stereotypes about Cybersecurity Specialists

    The appearance of stereotypes about certain professions is largely due to the peculiarities of human thinking. It is always easier to accept some "established" views than to independently understand a particular phenomenon and draw conclusions. As applied to information security specialists...
  9. Father

    Artificial intelligence – the future of cybersecurity

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning (Machine Learning Methods) are actively penetrating all areas related to high technologies, and information security is no exception. The development of digital technologies and digitalization in general entails not only an increase in the number of...
  10. Father

    What is MITRE ATT&CK and what role does it play in the field of cybersecurity

    With the growth of information security threats, it is increasingly important to understand the tactics, methods and procedures used by attackers to carry out cyber attacks. Therefore, MITRE ATT&CK is of particular importance. We tell you what the MITRE ATT&CK matrix is and what role it plays in...
  11. Father

    Indian bank banned from opening new accounts due to weak cybersecurity

    How did investors react and will the bank continue to operate? The Central Bank of India has banned Kotak Mahindra Bank from registering new customers through online services and apps. The measures were taken after "serious deficiencies were identified" in the management of IT systems...
  12. Father

    Behind the Scenes of Cybersecurity: what are Fortinet, JetBrains, and Microsoft hiding?

    Positive Technologies presented the top trending vulnerabilities for March. In March 2024, Positive Technologies identified five more vulnerabilities as trending.: These are vulnerabilities that have already been used in cyber attacks and those that are expected to be exploited in the near...
  13. Father

    CISA criticized Microsoft's outdated approaches to cybersecurity

    How ignoring the precepts of Bill Gates led to a massive data leak. A recent CISA report uncovered serious cybersecurity flaws at tech giant Microsoft that led to a massive data breach last year. The consequences of last year's attack on Microsoft's Exchange email service, organized by the...
  14. Teacher

    $2.6 billion - the price of cybersecurity: CISA calculates the cost of the new law

    The US authorities should be aware of every attack on hundreds of thousands of companies. The CISA submitted a draft law on mandatory reporting of critical infrastructure organizations on cyber attacks to the government. The proposal has been published for public comment. The law that formed...
  15. Teacher

    Misconfiguration Manager: The Cybersecurity Bible for Windows Administrators

    SpecterOps will teach you a lesson: how do I manage Microsoft servers securely? A group of researchers from SpecterOps has announced the release of Misconfiguration Manager — an extensive repository of attack and protection methods for the Microsoft Configuration Manager (MCM) environment. This...
  16. Teacher

    CSF 2.0: NIST Revolutionizes the approach to cybersecurity

    The first major update since 2014 brings many changes and improvements for organizations. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released an updated edition of its landmark cybersecurity document, the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), which has reached version 2.0. This...
  17. Teacher

    The "Black Swan" of cybersecurity: what can Russian companies expect in 2024?

    Hackers are using increasingly sophisticated methods of attacks that can lead to serious consequences for business and the state. The Russian company F. A. C. C. T., a developer of cybersecurity solutions, has published its annual report on cyber threats in Russia and the CIS. The authors of...
  18. Teacher

    American-style cybersecurity: how a series of stupid mistakes led to the hacking of the government network

    Compromise could have been avoided by applying only a few simple security measures... The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Agency (CISA), in collaboration with the Interstate Center for Analysis and Exchange of Information (MS-ISAC), found that unknown attackers gained access to...
  19. Teacher

    More than Just NGFW: PT NGFW is the Key to your Cybersecurity

    The performance of PT NGFW is comparable to the leading foreign analogues. Positive Technologies has announced that its new generation firewall (NGFW) product has been added to the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases. "We are developing a Russian...
  20. Teacher

    Is cybersecurity a myth? London Forum exposes the ugly truth.

    Other countries that produce spyware also refused to participate in the summit. A conference organized jointly by the United Kingdom and France is taking place in London this week. The event is dedicated to cybersecurity issues. One of the goals is to develop measures to combat spyware abuse...