
  1. Father

    Top 5 cybercrimes of 2023

    Everyone has experienced cybercrime at least once, if they have at least an email address. Just go to the "spam" section and you won't have to work very hard to find an email with a malicious link. Scammers who call to get bank card details are also considered cybercriminals, despite the fact...
  2. Brother

    Light sensors — small helpers in big cybercrimes

    Experts from MIT have found out that a smartphone can spy on you not only through the camera. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are sounding the alarm — simple light sensors in our smartphones are fraught with a serious threat to privacy. As it turned out, these tiny...
  3. Brother

    Password secrecy, blackmail from hackers and bitcoin turnover: practice of the Supreme Court on cybercrimes

    Is it permissible not to tell the investigator the password for a phone or tablet and how to interpret such behavior, what are the nuances of qualifying extortion via email, how does the defendant’s use of instant messengers affect the punishment - RAPSI recalls the most interesting explanations...