cybercrime group

  1. Tomcat

    Germany has put up for sale a Cold War bunker that was used by the cybercrime group CyberBunker to serve the darkweb

    The facility, located in Traben-Trarbach, was once built by the German military, and later became a place to host servers that supported the illegal activities of hackers on the Internet. The authorities of the Federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate are looking for buyers. The CyberBunker...
  2. Lord777

    Ethical hacker convicted in the Netherlands for running a cybercrime group

    Changing roles from a security guard to a cybercriminal ended with a prison sentence. In Amsterdam, the trial ended, in the center of which turned out to be 21-year-old Pepein Van der Stap, a former ethical hacker. Pentester was found guilty of committing a series of cyber attacks against more...