crypto assets

  1. Father

    South Korean tax authorities intend to confiscate crypto assets from 5,208 residents of Pohang

    The Tax Administration of the Republic of Korea in the city of Pohang announced a plan to confiscate crypto assets from evaders with debts in the amount of 500,000 won (about $368). Since all crypto wallets are legally linked to bank accounts with a "real name", verified social security number...
  2. Father

    Pop-ups with NFT – a new way to steal crypto assets

    How hackers use thousands of WordPress sites to defraud crypto investors. MalwareHunterTeam report that almost 2,000 hacked WordPress sites are being used to display fake pop-ups with NFT offers and discounts. The campaign is aimed at tricking visitors into connecting their crypto wallets to...
  3. Brother

    Hackers withdrew more than $80 million worth of crypto assets from the Orbit Bridge cross-chain bridge

    The Orbit Bridge cross-chain bridge has been hacked. The attackers managed to withdraw crypto assets for a total amount exceeding $80 million. Unauthorized access was recorded on December 31. User Kgjr was one of the first to discover the suspicious movement of funds. According to his...