
  1. Tomcat

    Stay alert: the space cyber spy "BadSpace" is hiding in Chrome updates

    The malware campaign is clearly inspired by the recently discovered FakeUpdates malware family. Computer systems around the world are being attacked using a new malware called BadSpace, which is distributed under the guise of fake Chrome browser updates. According to the German cybersecurity...
  2. Tomcat

    Chrome without third-party cookies: freedom or illusion? AI dictates new conditions.

    Google realized that spying is bad, but decided to bring an even more dangerous player to the arena. Google planned to stop using third-party cookies in its Chrome browser several years ago. However, this has not yet happened due to numerous delays. According to the latest data, the complete...
  3. Tomcat

    Binance user loses $1 million due to Chrome plugin

    The hacker gained control of the account of a Chinese trader on Binance, without having a password, and also without 2FA confirmation. After a series of transactions, the attacker withdrew assets worth $1 million. The incident occurred on May 24. In the process, the investor did not receive...
  4. Tomcat

    Chrome asks you to update? Think twice before you let him do it.

    How insidious BitRAT and Lumma Stealer deceive users, disguising themselves as legitimate updates. Fake browser updates are actively used to spread Remote Access Trojans (RAT) and other malware such as BitRAT and Lumma Stealer (also known as LummaC2). According to a recent report by...
  5. Tomcat

    Chrome: Manifest V3 - Google's tyranny or Privacy salvation?

    Ad blockers will stop working in Chrome. informs Google that on June 3, 2024, users of Beta, Dev and Canary versions of the Google Chrome browser will face new changes. When they visit the manage extensions page on chrome://extensions, they will see a warning banner. The banner will indicate...
  6. Tomcat

    Google обнаруживает, что 4-й майский нулевой день Chrome активно подвергается атаке - обновить как МОЖНО скорее

    Google в четверг выпустила исправления для устранения серьезной уязвимости безопасности в своем браузере Chrome, которая, по его словам, использовалась в дикой природе. Уязвимости присвоен идентификатор CVE CVE-2024-5274, она связана с ошибкой путаницы типов в JavaScript версии 8 и движке...
  7. Tomcat

    The latest Chrome update fixes a critical vulnerability in the V8 component

    Apply the fix as soon as possible to secure your data. Google released an update for the Chrome browser on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. The new version 125.0.6422.112 / .113 has already started distribution among users, and a full list of its changes can be found in the update log on the...
  8. Father

    Malicious Chrome extension VenomSoftX steals passwords and cryptocurrency

    Experts warn about a malicious extension for Google Chrome called "VenomSoftX". By installing this addon, users run the risk that the contents of their clipboard in Windows will fall into the hands of intruders. In fact, VenomSoftX is one of the components of a malicious program for...
  9. Father

    Google исправляет еще одну активно используемую уязвимость Chrome нулевого дня

    Google выпустила исправления для решения набора из девяти проблем безопасности в своем браузере Chrome, включая новую уязвимость нулевого дня, которая использовалась повсеместно. Уязвимости присвоен идентификатор CVE CVE-2024-4947, она связана с ошибкой путаницы типов в JavaScript версии 8 и...
  10. Father

    CVE-2024-4947: Google fixed another 0day vulnerability in Chrome

    This is the third zero gap in a week. How many more errors will be detected? Google released updates to address nine vulnerabilities in the Chrome browser, including a new zero-day vulnerability that is actively used by attackers. The vulnerability was identified as CVE-2024-4947 and is related...
  11. Father

    Новая уязвимость нулевого дня Chrome CVE-2024-4761 в активной эксплуатации

    В понедельник Google отправил экстренные исправления для устранения новой уязвимости нулевого дня в веб-браузере Chrome, которая активно использовалась в дикой природе. Уязвимость высокой степени серьезности, отслеживаемая как CVE-2024-4761, представляет собой ошибку при записи за пределы...
  12. Father

    Emergency Fix 0day: Google protected Chrome users from data disclosure

    An actively exploited vulnerability allows a hacker to gain control over the victim. Google released emergency security updates for the Chrome browser to address a zero-day vulnerability that is actively used in attacks. Vulnerability CVE-2024-4761 is related to the problem of writing data out...
  13. Father

    Google urges urgent Chrome update after 0day vulnerability discovered

    Vulnerability CVE-2024-4671 has been fixed in the latest version. Google has urgently released another security update for its Chrome browser. The reason was the discovery of a critical vulnerability with active exploitation in real attacks. The vulnerability was identified as CVE-2024-4671...
  14. Father

    Chrome Zero-Day Alert — обновите свой браузер для исправления новой уязвимости

    Google в четверг выпустила обновления для системы безопасности, устраняющие уязвимость нулевого дня в Chrome, которая, по его словам, активно использовалась в дикой природе. Уязвимость высокой степени серьезности, отслеживаемая как CVE-2024-4671, была описана как случай повторного использования...
  15. Father

    Protect your browser from Spam: New Security Check Features in Chrome

    Google has come up with a reliable tool for dealing with information garbage. Google Chrome has introduced updated security settings for the Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems. One notable innovation is the "Security Check" feature, which now alerts users to an excessive number of spam...
  16. Father

    Are you waiting for Google to finally remove third-party cookies in Chrome? We'll have to wait another year.

    The initiative was planned to be implemented in 2022, but the CMA still does not trust Privacy Sandbox. Google has again postponed the deadline for disabling third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. Initially, the company planned to get rid of this practice of tracking users by 2022, after...
  17. Father

    Browser for $6 a month: Google introduces Chrome Enterprise Premium

    What can the new product offer and how will it affect the development of the industry as a whole? Google announced the launch of Chrome Enterprise Premium, a new version of its web browser for enterprise users, supplemented with artificial intelligence technologies to improve security. Using...
  18. Father

    Google Chrome добавляет V8 Sandbox - новую защиту от атак браузера

    Компания Google объявила о поддержке так называемой "песочницы версии 8" в веб-браузере Chrome в целях решения проблем с повреждением памяти. По словам технического руководителя службы безопасности V8 Сэмюэля Гроса, "песочница" направлена на предотвращение распространения повреждения памяти в...
  19. Father

    Update your browser: Hackers helped Google fix 0day in Chrome

    Another Chrome bug cost specialists $42,500. Google has fixed a critical vulnerability in the Chrome browser that was discovered during the Pwn2Own 2024 competition in Vancouver. Vulnerability CVE-2024-3159 is related to an Out-of-bounds read error in the JavaScript V8 engine and can lead to...
  20. Father

    Cookies are no longer stolen: a new feature of Google Chrome has destroyed the business of hackers

    DBSC makes cookies useless for hacking. The new Google Chrome update adds a new security feature aimed at combating the theft of user credentials. The Device Bound Session Credentials ( DBSC) technology promises to significantly complicate the task of attackers seeking to steal cookies to...