
  1. CarderPlanet

    Carder's Productivity Simple Techniques

    I am a carder with 5 years experience, I have never been a carder before, I worked as a CTO and earned a couple of times more before carding. I work only for foreign customers in the field of system administration for about 10-20 hours a week. I do not almost regret becoming a carder since I...
  2. CarderPlanet

    Carder's Law of Soul Response

    One of the most important rules for building harmonious relationships is the law of mental response, which states that you need to always feel like a soul before you freak out. This simple practice is worth applying to many aspects of your life because it brings you back to the right state. You...
  3. Lord777

    Carder's free will

    Throughout our lives, we are constantly dependent on different things. Starting with parental care and affection, ending with the opinions of others and bad habits. And over time, more and more of these things accumulate. Many people cannot imagine life without a telephone and the Internet...
  4. Lord777

    Wandering carder's mind

    Neuroscientist Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen on the biological reasons for immersion in one's own thoughts, the skill of managing attention and the role of AI in studying the brain A wandering mind is a situation where a person begins to pay attention to the content of his mind, to information that...
  5. Lord777

    Relationship carder's mirror

    Those we love and those we cannot stand are all our mirrors ... Carder's relationships are one of the most effective methods of gaining awareness. Through the mirror of relationships - all relationships without exception - we can enter an expanded state of awareness. We reflect each other, and...