
  1. Lord777

    Brain Cradle: Can Ultrasound Trigger Lucid Dreams

    Researchers from Prophetic are confident in the success of their development and intend to change the world with its help. Do you remember the July news about the Russian craftsman Mikhail Raduga, who drilled his head for lucid dream management? American researchers decided to achieve a similar...
  2. Lord777

    Vanadium Dioxide AI: A New Step towards modeling the Human brain

    Scientists have found a material that gives AI the ability to mimic the human brain. In the light of the rapid development of AI technologies, there is a need for a new generation of hardware that can cope with increasing loads. Modern computer architectures based on silicon are not adapted to...
  3. Carding 4 Carders

    Kaspersky Lab "digitized" the human brain in a neuromorphic chip

    The processor will usher in a new era of AI with significantly lower power consumption. Kaspersky Lab has made a new breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence-neuromorphic chips that can simulate the work of the human brain with significantly lower energy consumption and high data...
  4. Carding 4 Carders

    The brain can study the world in the same way as some computational models

    Machines learn to understand the world like humans. The brain develops an intuitive understanding of the world around it to interpret incoming sensory information. How exactly does this happen? Many scientists believe that the brain can use a process similar to "self-observed learning" in...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    Brain interfaces in action: Patients with neurological diseases can now control smart devices

    CortiCom is a device that reads thoughts and translates them into commands for smart devices. Scientists from Johns Hopkins Medical University and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory have made a significant breakthrough in the field of brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Their...
  6. Carding 4 Carders

    A divided brain, but a single consciousness: how is this possible?

    Scientists have found that even after surgery to separate the hemispheres of the brain, patients are able to integrate information from both hemispheres. The question of the origin of human consciousness has always been the subject of lively discussions. Recently, Denyse O'Leary, working on the...
  7. Tomcat

    "Controlled Hallucination": Three Concepts Explaining How the Brain and Life Works

    This is a famous painting by the equally famous Belgian artist Rene Magritte. It has a picture of a smoking pipe and the inscription in French reads "This is not a pipe." Comparing the image and the text, you may have experienced, albeit in a slight, invisible form, some mental conflict between...
  8. Teacher

    Why is sexual activity about the brain?

    Life energy for all occasions In its original meaning, the term "libido" is described as a special vital energy underlying sexual desire and, in principle, any manifestation of love. Even to my parents. This energy existed in the human body and, if it was not allowed to pour out into sexual...
  9. Teacher

    When scientists can read other people's minds - and other discoveries about the brain

    About consciousness Normally, a person understands and realizes what is happening to him at every moment of time. Let's say he walks down the street, talks on the phone and eats ice cream, all at the same time. Our task as scientists is to understand whether we can, registering neural activity...
  10. Teacher

    Neurogastroenterology. The intestines are the second brain. True or Fiction?

    Recently, specialties at the intersection of sciences have gained popularity all over the world due to their potential for providing high-quality medical care in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including neurological and mental ones. One of them, deserving close attention not only...
  11. Teacher

    How the brain processes information

    We all live not in objective reality, but in an illusion created by our brain. A very accurate and useful illusion. How exactly it is created is one of the main questions of science in recent decades. There are still many questions in this area, but many mysteries have already been solved. When...
  12. Teacher

    What does our brain love?

    In this article, you will learn about what has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. 1. Our brains love specific goals. As soon as you formulate for yourself a specific goal, task, miracles will immediately begin. There will be funds, opportunities and time for its implementation...
  13. Teacher

    The most important parts of the brain and their functions

    Brain foundations of mental activity. Briefly about the main functions of the parts of the brain that are important for neuropsychology. Complex forms of mental activity cannot be narrowly localized in only one brain structure. They have a multi-level organization, and different levels have...
  14. Teacher

    Brain effects

    Synchronization effect Synchronization occurs when two different systems oscillate in the same way. It is noticed that it is easier for us to perceive a person when we do something together. Group activities, singing together, and sports activities strengthen relationships between people and...
  15. Lord777

    How to restore brain function in 20 minutes?

    Every person in life has moments when you need to do a lot in the shortest possible time. What exactly is not so important, the main thing is that your head is spinning, there is not enough time, and you just need to rest. What to do? You need to find a way to quickly (literally emergency)...
  16. Lord777

    5 tricks your brain uses to keep you in the grip of a bad habit

    A bad habit can ruin your life. You perfectly understand this and really want to get rid of it, but ... nothing comes of it. Want to know why? And because your brain knows many clever ways to keep you at the mercy of your habits. 1. Your brain thinks you are "the future" of a completely...
  17. Lord777

    How meditation changes our mind, brain and body

    What is meditation Meditation is a collective term for many types of contemplative practices aimed at deep study of the mind in order to completely change the inner self. Likewise, sports reflect a wide range of sports trends. In both sports and meditation, the end results depend on what you...
  18. Lord777

    10 neural traps to help you reprogram your brain

    It is believed that if you want to change your life - overcome fears, learn to sell better, or become happier - you need to change the way you think. But this is long and difficult. Psychologist Sean Young suggests a faster, easier, and more scientifically proven way to hack your brain to...
  19. Lord777

    The brain decides without asking the person

    One of the leading experts in this field is Daniel Wegner, professor of psychology at Harvard University, who summarized the available experimental data in the monograph "The Illusion of Conscious Will". As the title of the work suggests, Wegner concludes that free will is an illusion. Free will...
  20. Lord777

    How to make your brain stop worrying

    Anxiety causes irreparable harm to your mental health. Some people think that this is just a bad habit that you can get rid of over time. Others believe that anxiety has a specific function, helping us learn from past mistakes and prepare for new ones. For better or worse, worry occupies our...