
  1. Friend

    MalAgent.AutoITBot: A new email bot hunts for your data

    Code obfuscation makes it difficult to analyze and counter the insidious threat. Security researchers at SonicWall have recently discovered a new piece of malware that targets Gmail accounts. Dubbed MalAgent.AutoITBot, the malware is distributed as an executable file named "File.exe" and uses a...
  2. Tomcat

    Carders stole a billion rubles from four banks using a bot

    The intelligence services uncovered a group of cybercriminals who defrauded Promsvyazbank, Trust, Uralsib and the credit institution Zenit. 16 people in Moscow organized a cybercriminal group and engaged in online fraud. The group started working with an amount of one million rubles, gradually...
  3. V


    Hello all. I was wondering about something. I mainly deal in gift cards, as they are safer. But, theres a technique in gift card botting that i think could be a game changer. And render everything else useless. We call them 'phone bots' in the gift card botting scence. These are bots which use...
  4. Carder

    Огромный пак спам ботов в telegram

    Приветствую друзья! Если вам по какой либо причине понадобился sms-bomber, то не тратьте свое время на его поиски. Просто перешлите данный пак к себе и в нужный момент обратитесь к нему. Для тех кто не знает, SMS-Bomber - программное обеспечение, предназначенное для массовой рассылки (спама)...
  5. Chargen19

    People who loves #Botnets

    BOT: - NATIVE. Don't need any kind of windows dependencies. - SMALL. Bot with their configurations is ~30kb. - ENCRYPTION. Fully encrypted HTTP communication with the panel and all bot settings and data. - COMPRESSION. All data uploaded and received from the panel is compressed. - MODULAR...
  6. Friend

    Как заработать на пиво и крабовые палочки

    Собственно, предлагаю вашему вниманию уникальный (честно, удивлен как никто не допер до этого, ибо конкуренции именно со стороны мошенников мною встречено не было) мануал по заработку небольших, но все таки денег. Реализуется сей стартап в нынче популярном Телеграме и при затрате нескольких...
  7. Donatlo

    Crypting service [Without dependences]

    Hi, im offering a private crypting service, only for 10 first people, it hasnt any dependences for 10$ I tested on Win Xp, Vista and 7 32 and 64 bits Contact me: [email protected]
  8. Otto

    Spam Bot, Спам Бот, подскажите

    Привет, Подскажите названия спамботов, актуальных на сегодняшний день. Может есть у кого ссылки, откуда можно выдернуть? Спасибо
  9. SnowManUK

    Need training on BOT Setup, BlackHole/Zeus

    Hi All, I am looking for training on how to setup, use, admin, check, test, a BOT. BlackHole/Zeus inside iFrame on websites. I have several sites where I can place the code. Traffic types will be UK, EU middle/upperclass people so expecting good bank accounts, cc's back. I would prefer...