
  1. Teacher

    Top books on nonverbal communication

    Salute, fans of fucking up someone else's account, here is a small top of books that are the best. If you haven't read them yet and want to learn how to "read" people by their gestures and facial expressions, you need to read them. Here you need to have a base in theory, and then only hone your...
  2. CarderPlanet

    Books that teach how to influence people

    There are thousands of books of psychology in the world, but only a few of them really teach how to influence; it is not so easy to understand them, because they came to us literally from another era and were written for completely different people. We have compiled a list of the most modern...
  3. Lord777

    9 gorgeous books to puzzle over

    We present to reading nine intelligent bestsellers, which are a must-read for all lovers of smashing their brains over an interesting book! 1. JM Coetzee - "Waiting for the Barbarians" A small town on the outskirts of an unnamed Empire is excited by the news of an imminent attack by tribes of...
  4. Lord777

    Best books for personal growth

    The best way to "pump" yourself (to become smarter, more creative and more successful) is to read books. Which? Get started By John Eyckaff The book is about how to paint your gray life in bright colors. It’s the easiest thing to be like everyone else. Being an extraordinary person is an act...
  5. Lord777

    10 self-help books you need to read

    1. Neil Fiore - "An easy way to start a new life" About what? We often promise ourselves to bring something new into our life - enroll in a sports club or quit smoking - but rarely does anyone really follow through. American psychologist Neil Fiore believes that not only habits but also the...
  6. TeodorHErzel

    Нужно заказать парочку книг в рашку...

    Есть название комплекта книг. Есть парочка мест где его продают. Для начала нужно заказать 3 комплекта в рашку. Материал Ваш. Кому будет интересно, пишите пм. Обговорим условия.