
  1. Tomcat

    Biometrics: the art of recognition. Prospects for biometric systems using the example of the Id-Me platform from RecFaces.

    Many readers are probably already familiar with biometric technologies. They are now ubiquitous. In a general sense, biometrics is a system for recognizing people by one or more physical (or behavioral) characteristics. In the field of information technology, biometric data is used as a form of...
  2. Tomcat

    The Japanese are developing ATM with biometrics

    As always, the Japanese delight us with their ideas and their implementation. Now the Japanese bank Ogaki Kyoritsu is going to introduce ATMs with a biometric access system to its bank account. In other words, money can be withdrawn without a bank card, just by placing your hand on a special...
  3. Tomcat

    Biometrics of police and military revealed during a data leak in India

    Millions of people will soon face sophisticated identity theft attacks. In India, a large-scale data leak occurred, as a result of which the biometric data of millions of citizens became available. An unsecured database containing fingerprints and facial scans of police, military and civilian...
  4. Father

    Biometrics won't save you: a way to bypass FIDO2 protection was found

    Are hardware keys really more secure than passwords? A new Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report indicates that almost 30% of all recorded violations over the past 10 years were caused by stolen credentials. This trend highlights how critical the role of passwords and other authentication...
  5. Father

    Biometrics: advantages and disadvantages

    Biometric authentication is a procedure for identifying a person's identity by providing their biometric data. Its main advantage is comfort, since such a password as an index finger print is simply impossible to forget. Biometric authentication technologies have already managed to" move " from...
  6. Father

    Former Outabox employees stole biometrics of Australian party-goers

    A company that creates facial recognition technologies should not have cut the salary of its developers… Law enforcement agencies and federal agencies are investigating a large-scale leak of personal data related to the facial recognition system in bars and clubs across Australia. The incident...
  7. Father

    Geolocation, biometrics, photos: 88% of dating apps forget about privacy

    Platforms often use personal data for purposes unrelated to finding love. Dating apps are growing in popularity every year, but a Mozilla study shows that their reliability in protecting users personal data is getting worse. Despite the developers ' assurances about the need for extensive data...
  8. Father

    The Ministry of Digital Development suggests linking foreign SIM cards to IMEI and biometrics

    Buying a SIM card for migrants may become more difficult: what the new draft law changes. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation has prepared a draft law introducing new requirements for foreign citizens and stateless persons when purchasing...
  9. Father

    Center for Biometric Technologies: the number of rejections from biometrics tends to zero

    Dmitry Ter-Stepanov spoke about the real situation with the collection of biometric data of Russians. At the conference "Fintech-2024. Directions of development", organized by Kommersant, a representative of the Center for Biometric Technologies announced figures concerning the collection of...
  10. Teacher

    Biometrics Porn: a new standard for accessing PornHub

    The US Court of Appeals upheld the law on age verification for porn sites. The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the introduction of mandatory proof of age for access to pornography does not violate the First Amendment to the Constitution. The controversial HB 1181 law has been amended to...
  11. Teacher

    Total biometrics collection: Is Vietnam building a digital prison?

    70 million people will find themselves under the cap of the authorities from July this year. In Vietnam, the collection of biometric data of citizens for identification purposes will begin in July this year. Prime Minister Pham Min-jin instructed the country's Ministry of Public Security to...
  12. Carding

    Mass trend: abandoning biometrics has become a popular hobby of the summer

    Several thousand Russian citizens said "no" to the collection of biometric data. Since the beginning of August, there has been an increased demand for the service of refusal to collect and store biometric data of citizens in various regions of Russia. So, according to the Kommersant...
  13. Lord777

    From cardboard to biometrics: the evolution of plastic cards

    In the movie "Time", people of the future pay for time by leaning their hand against the counter with a glowing clock implanted in it. But even now we can do without cash and pay for purchases with a smart watch or other gadgets. Existing means of payment have come a long way: from cardboard...
  14. CUK77

    Biometrics in Finance: How to Confirm a Payment Without a Password

    Modern biometric identification methods use different techniques: from heartbeat to voice recognition. But the most popular is the fingerprint. The origins of biometric authentication. Fingerprints were originally used to identify criminals. This method was first used in Indian forensics in...
  15. CUK77

    From biometrics to mPOS terminals: the most technologically advanced smartphones of our time

    PaySpace Magazine has compiled a selection of the most technologically advanced smartphones of our time, supporting blockchain technology, biometrics and crypto wallets, advanced cameras and screens of unusual design From biometrics to mPOS terminals: The most technologically advanced...
  16. CUK77

    Behavioral biometrics: the most effective solutions in the world

    PaySpace Magazine has learned which financial companies are implementing solutions based on passive biometrics in Ukraine and around the world Behavioral biometrics: the most effective solutions and in the world. Several years ago, the American information platform TeleSign published a study...
  17. CUK77

    Fast, safe, promising: how biometrics is driving the development of fintech

    Voice, fingerprints, and retinal scans are already being used in payment relationships It has been known for over 100 years that a body can be used to verify an identity instead of a password. Back in 1892, the British anthropologist, sociologist and psychologist Francis Galton created the...
  18. Brother

    In China, SIM cards will be issued only through biometrics

    The PRC authorities call this step part of efforts to "protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens in cyberspace", as well as to combat telephone and Internet fraud. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC announced that mobile operators will be obliged to...
  19. Tomcat

    Snowden: Don't give up your biometrics in exchange for cryptocurrency

    Snowden criticized the idea of the Worldcoin crypto startup, which promises to pay a reward in cryptocurrency for scanning the iris of the eye. Recently, a new startup of venture investor Sam Altman Woldcoin came out of the secrecy mode, revealing some details about its developments. The...
  20. Teacher

    Visa Accelerates Use of Behavioral Biometrics and Intelligent Identity to Combat Fraud

    Visa has selected UK-based regulatory technology provider Callsign as the preferred provider of behavioral biometrics and smart identity solutions. The deal will enable Visa to deploy Callsign's behavioral biometrics and fingerprinting solutions across its network of financial institutions...