atm skimmer

  1. PlraX

    Need Vouch Please

    Some one can vouch for me in C.SU?. some user knowme and know i am a good guy
  2. askan

    Anti skimmer sensors!

    Hello guys, I have few questions about anti skimmer sensors. If a ATM machine have anti skimmer sensor and I will put the skimmer on it what will be happen? The ATM will be shut down? If will be shut down how many minutes will do that? Is possible to initiate silent alarm at the police...
  3. T

    WIFi Packet Interception cc+cvv2

    Hello , Masters of Scam and profesionals from computer , my question is easy. I have a wifi (WPA2 password) so they are a central that control a lot of other machines that connect to this network and send cc data so I have some experience sniffing data over serial port , but i have never seen...
  4. M

    I have NCR green round looking for pinpad

    Anyone??? Escrow only :)
  5. C

    USB/AUDIO - atm skimmer + hidden cam kit *ready to use* (Diebold/Wincor/Ncr)

    oops delet did not read new rules